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Sell NVQs to Workforce


I have been tasked with introducing the NVQ process to internal staff. We’ll be able to access funding for those candidates that qualify, and we’re rolling this up with our recruitment process so that we can sell the concept to potential support staff.
I’m really anxious to sell the NVQ process to existing staff (who qualify), but am at a loss as to how I can motivate and engage them into the project. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Edmondson

I have been tasked with introducing the NVQ process to internal staff. We'll be able to access funding for those candidates that qualify, and we're rolling this up with our recruitment process so that we can sell the concept to potential support staff.
I'm really anxious to sell the NVQ process to existing staff (who qualify), but am at a loss as to how I can motivate and engage them into the project. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Paul Edmondson

4 Responses

  1. Some NVQ Tips…
    Hello Paul
    Not sure what type of organisation you work in,which NVQ you are looking at or whether your staff will be opting in to the NVQ (or if they will HAVE to do it)- so please take these comments with a pinch of salt!My experience over many years of implementing NVQ programmes in the public sector is :
    1. Deal with the myths.There are plenty out there!
    2. Set up a tightly run,professional,contracted programme in exactly the way you would any other with an explicit learning agreement for managers & candidates.Forget about open-ended,learner-led NVQs – they don’t happen unless you have exceptionally motivated individuals who really prefer to do their own thing.Most people just love getting together in groups!It has always interested me that people on NVQ programmmes think its ok not to meet deadlines or attend sessions when they wouldn’t dream of missing college- based commitments.(And their managers seem to have less difficulty pulling them off NVQ time as well!)
    3. Sell the idea of a national standard for the occupation,accreditation which is portable/transferable and the notion of assessement for work-based competence- nothing else offers this!
    4. Tell them their employer is making a significant investment in them – don’t let people get the idea its a second class qualification-and tell them what its costing – NVQs done properly aren’t a cheap alternative to something else
    5. Find a really good provider who can deliver a top class package including assessment – becoming an assesssment centre is a paper nightmare as is training up your own assessors until you get into the swing of things & decide if thats what you want to do.A really good experience for your first cohort will work wonders with future candidates
    5.Try & find a senior champion for the NVQ – not easy as most senior managers are of the view that NVQ means not very qualified -they usually want to be doing MBAs- and being assessed DOING THE JOB would terrify them – but there’s usually one champion in each organisation in my experience…
    6. Deal with unspoken fears some candidates might have about the amount of writing involved,their literacy,they may not have studied since school etc..
    7. Depending on who the candidates are – celebrate success. Graduates may think a nice lunch & a certificate from the head honcho is really naff but other staff rarely get to dine out and get recognition for their hard work & achievement.
    (This is not the textbook way to deliver NVQs but it has worked for me & more importantly,for the candidates and thats what matters.)
    Good luck!I can email you some examples of flyers & agreements if that would give you some more ideas.

  2. Thanks for your input, Liz!
    Thanks for your comments, Liz: they’ve certainly given me lots of things to think about! I’d be really interested to see some flyers/agreements that you have. You can contact me at
    Regards, P

  3. NVQ sell

    We are an assessment centre in Canada, the one and only (as far as we know)in North America so we had a bit of a sell job to do with our manufacturing employees 2.5 years ago when we started. As a majority of our employees do not have any formal certification from school or trades, this was an ideal way to show competence and that was what we focused on. Our program is voluntary and we have a waiting list of employees who want to sign up. We recognize the employees who become certified by inviting them to our annual recognition and reward dinner and dance. Their certificates are framed and matted and they each receive a photo of them being presented with their certificate. We are QS9000 and TS16949 certified and our program is tied into those two quality programs so our upper management can see the program has value. Since we started with PMO we have moved into admin, distribution and warehouse, and business improvement techniques qualifications. We stress to our staff that the program is an ideal way of showing their bosses they are competent to perform their jobs, for our employees that seems to work. By the way our employees do not receive more pay when they have become certified, there is no “dash for cash”. We also have the support from the heads of the local union.

    Good luck

  4. Ensure to highlight that NVQs are a formal qualification
    I have co-ordinated numerous programmes over the years and and ive found that if your Internal framework of assessors are positive and have the adequate time to spend with candidates then it should be a success. Its also important to highlight the fact that NVQs are a formal qualification that are recognised by recruiters in all sectors.