Hi, any tips on quick Seminar Presentation for rollout of Document Management System to replace old directory structure. Would like users to recognise that document management transcends any tool – incidentally music of “I’ve got the Power by The Snap” playing in background! Any help would be much appreciated 🙂
Fiona Macdonald
Fiona Macdonald
One Response
seminar presentation
Hi Fiona,
please let me have your e-mail address and I’ll send you a short guide to running this type of session.
You should be aware of the issues related to playing music when presenting as it is likely to count as a public broadcast and you need a licence to do this. It might be that you venue has a Performing Rights Licence and you can piggyback on theirs but you might need your own. You can get details from the Performing Rights Society (http://www.prs.co.uk/musiclicence/).
0788 079 0815