I have been asked to source programmes for a senior manager with an emphasis on buidling strategic and leadership competencies. Ideally the programme should be intensive and modular.
I have researched some of the programmes from Cranfield University already. Has anyone got any recommendations of other universities that I should research?
Many thanks
Emer Hardiman
I have researched some of the programmes from Cranfield University already. Has anyone got any recommendations of other universities that I should research?
Many thanks
Emer Hardiman
5 Responses
A Management development programme.
There is an organisation called “THE Learning Combination”.
They produce training materials and are marketing a new course called Breaking the Mould.
I am not sure if it is publicly available yet but it is a complete course in nine two hour modules and from what I have seen it may be what you want.
Send an Email to Catherine.Mochan@learningcom.co.uk.
Senior Mgt Dev
I wonder if you might want to extend your thinking to something purpose designed for that specific individual?
In which case exedcutive coaching with ouitcomes designed around the strategic and leadership requirement might be just teh job.
Contact me to explore further.
I find it quite odd that universities (even if they are business schools) are seen by many as the obvious choice when trying to develop the strategic and leadership skills of commercial managers.
Is it because they are perceived to be neutral, and there’s less risk attached to the transaction ?
Sorry – that looks abrupt, but I am genuinely interested in what motivates people to choose a Cranfield or a Henley.
Arian Associates Ltd
Like the guy who commented about Universities I am also sceptical why they seem an obvious choice. Most of the tutors in these organisations have never had a job in the real world and are steeped in academia and wouldn’t know a competency if it jumped out and bit them on the backside. I suggest you look towards an establishment like an FE College or a good quality Private Provider and enquire about NVQ’s in Management. Specifically NVQ 5 in Operations Management and NVQ 5 in Strategic Management. Your people, and your organisation, will get much more out of these competency work-based programmes than they will by being swamped with theory in a Uni.
Building Powerful Leaders
Interesting views about the sources for Senior Management Development – over the last 23 years as a General Manager in a global ‘blue-chip’ – I have attended London Business School, Ashridge, ISMM, CIM etc – and I confess – they have ALL been excellent and extremely beneficial in my career development. But I also agree with the earlier posting, of specific training rather than generic training being THE most beneficial. Happy to discuss further offline or take a look at http://www.cogniteconsulting.com to look at the Senior Management Developement Programmes on offer.