I am an experience training manager. I am now tasked with the job of creating a new training organisation in a company with some 5000+ employees in 4 countries. No training organisation exists within the company at present. Can anyone suggest a book/CD which would give me a kick start? I’m looking for standardised templates, suggested models, etc., so that I do not have to create them from scratch. It is the training organisational aspects, documents, forms, etc. I am interested in, not the training itself.
stephen brand
stephen brand
9 Responses
Croner’s T& D Manual
How about Croner’s Training & Development Manual? It covers all aspects of setting up a training and development function and it has lots of sample forms and templates. It’s quite expensive and you have to pay annual subscriptions, but you may be able to offset this against your training budget? Good luck
Consultancy advice on setting up Training Department
You seem to have quite a challenge in setting up a Training Function from scratch in a company with 5000+ employees in 4 Countries.
Whether recommending a book or CD would be sufficient to help you – I don’t know!
I am a Training Consultant with 20 years practical experience. I have written best practice guides for training in the Steel and Agriculture Supplies Industries. I am also the technical author for Micron Videos who have produced a ‘Training the Trainer’ video for the Pharmaceuticals Industry. I currently provide Training Consultancy advice to many large organisations including AT&T and Kellogg’s.
If you think that sharing this practical experience would be of benefit to your own situation, please do contact me.
Mike Bond
MDA Management Development Associates
We have toolkits which will undoubtedly help
What a challenging, exciting opportunity. I fully understand your need for templates and systems to help you get something established and I believe we can help.
One of your main priorities will be to introduce a system which enables you to identify what training is required. Our training needs analysis toolkit costs just £75.00 plust vat and contains clear guidance on how to achieve this with the help of line management, and all the templates you need on CD – it has already proven to be extremely popular and for someone in your position, I believe it will be invaluable.
We have also developed a complimentary performance appraisal toolkit, which again contains clear guidance and templates.
The CD format of these toolkits means it is easy to save the templates to your local or shared hard drives or even make them accessible from an Intranet – all templates are Word based.
Both toolkits use a generic list of behaviours and the performance appraisal toolkit breaks these down into behavioural indicators.
Further down the line we can help with e-Learning – our strategic partner is the worlds leading e-learning company – a global organisation. This might provide an ideal way of providing consistent, easily accessible training across your organisation. To find out more about what I mean by e-Learning, have a look at the article I recently posted under member news. Our E-Learning meets all the criteria I set.
We can also help with train the trainer training as well as a range of people skills classroom based courses, catered to your specific needs (UK only at present).
We can also provide through other strategic partners classroom based IT training at significant discounts.
Hope this all helps. For more information give me a ring on 01423 546958 or visit our website at http://www.pdc-online.co.uk.
Managing the Training Process
After managing a training organisation in Xerox for several years, I eventually got round to writing the book that I wish I had had when I first started. The book is called `Managing the Training Process’ and it is published by Gower. If you would like to see some more details and copies of all the reviews, please go to:
Mike Wills
In response to mikes posting
In response to mikes posting the book can be purchased from our shopping mall area
Having been involved in several re-organisations of substantial training functions I would recommend “Running Training Like a Business” by Adelsberg & Trolley – ISBN 1-57675-059-0. You could also spend some useful time looking at different models US organisations – I found the American Society for Training & Development’s website (www.astd.org) a good starting point research.
I’m happy to chat over specific issues if you need – email me on tirons@syncrus.com.
Sample Chapter of Managing the Training Process
I have just finished producing an electronic sample chapter (1 The process of training) from Managing the Training Process. Would you like me to send you a copy?
Mike Wills
Delegate management / Docment tracking systems
I know a software developer who has built these systems and has an off the shelf package which might come in handy.
We deal mainly in Web Based training which could also solve some headaches. Drop me a line and I’ll gladly put you onto the right people.
Hey Stephen! I think I might
Hey Stephen! I think I might be able to help you out here. I would suggest you share content with the employees via a learning management system. If you’re not familiar with that term, it’s a platform that helps you manage your training content and share them online with learners/trainees. With an LMS you can create interactive content and upload forms, presentations, videos, documents, and even assessments. An LMS can also give you visibility over your learner’s progress throughout the learning process. However, you should also check out this blog post about how to create the best content for your internal training: https://www.getadministrate.com/blog/creating-the-best-content-for-your-internal-training/
Melody Abboud
Operations Executive