I have just started as the only training officer with a new mortgages company (150 staff). They currently have no training dept and I have been given a blank sheet to work on. Can anyone advise on initial steps?
pamela clements
I have just started as the only training officer with a new mortgages company (150 staff). They currently have no training dept and I have been given a blank sheet to work on. Can anyone advise on initial steps?
pamela clements
6 Responses
Traing Dept
Wow! An exciting roller coaster ahead. I was in this position in one of my previous jobs. I had one admin person.I decided to forget the infra structure of the dept itself.Instead,I looked outwards and filled my blank sheetwith a training needs analysis,top to bottom. That had top support.It provided the data,rationale and ultimately tons of work for a dept which grew in consequence to 4. I did this against the structured backcloth of applying for Investors in People which provided real structure, a helpful external ally and eventually the award. 2 in 1!
Good luck. It will be a roller coaster but you will have fun! Great for the cv if not the nerves!
FInd some good online resources
What an exciting opportunity.
You’ve already found one great resource that will help you. Another is the UKHRD forum, http://www.ukhrd.co.uk
Turning to specifics a good place to start would be with a training needs analysis. This will help to ensure you develop a training policy and solution that meets the business needs. You might want to have a look at the TNA toolkit available from Training zone, which I’m sure will help you.
Good luck with what will be a reallly exciting challenge.
Find some good online resources
A good place to start is with a TNA. You might find the TNA toolkit useful, which is available ‘free’ to all members of http://www.trainerslibrary.com – or you can buy it from trainingzones’ library.
Support available
Hi Pamela,
It may seem a dounting task, but setting up a training department is very rewarding. The most important need will be management backing and keeping them onboard. I have set up centre’s in several different sector for both large and small businesses. If you need any tips get back to me. I also note your request for guidence on a training database, the answer is “for what?”. You need to decide on the training activities, required records and how you are going to train before you select your database. There are two very good ones I could recommend, Registrar and SkilSure, but I would need to understand your needs better before recommending either.
New Training Department
Congrats and good luck.
You may get some ideas at http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz, where there are a load of freebie trainer resources including templates for forms, training policy, training certificates, training need analysis ideas.
My one piece of advice is do your needs analysis well – involve all levels of the organisation and get senior management views and buy-in before implementing.
Hope that helps. Happy Days!
Bryan Edwards
I am in an identical position to you with a similar company. Perhaps we could chat and cross-reference our progress. Please mail me if you would like to get in touch.