MA (Hons) Psychology; MIPD: MBA; Level A test verifier; Full Level B psychometric Certificated.
Seven years full time consultancy experience.
Have worked with large numbers of organisations. For example current clients include, Lothian and Borders Police, Scottish Amicable, Argyll & Bute Council, Tibbett & Britten. Projects include, setting up and running assessment centres; recruitment; devising competence frameworks; staff surveys; training facilitators and running action learning sets; assessing and advising for Investors in People national Standard; training in internal consultancy skills. Development of HR materials on either CD ROM or Intranet
Seven years full time consultancy experience.
Have worked with large numbers of organisations. For example current clients include, Lothian and Borders Police, Scottish Amicable, Argyll & Bute Council, Tibbett & Britten. Projects include, setting up and running assessment centres; recruitment; devising competence frameworks; staff surveys; training facilitators and running action learning sets; assessing and advising for Investors in People national Standard; training in internal consultancy skills. Development of HR materials on either CD ROM or Intranet