Question one is:
What are the most important priorities the organisation wants to achieve this year?
This question is about finding out what the most important priorities of the
organisation are. They can include goals that have been set out in the organisation’s strategic plan, changes that need to happen or challenges that must be overcome. The answers to question one are issues that are of great concern to the leadership team if at the strategic level or manager if at the divisional or team level.
Question two is:
What actions does the organisation need to take to successfully achieve the business goals defined from the organisational priorities?
The answer to the question identifies what the organisation will do to achieve the objectives or priorities identified in question one. This answer must identify
the specific actions that the organisation, division or team will be taking to achieve those objectives. While question one focuses on understanding what needs to be achieved, question two wants to identify how it will be achieved.
Question three is:
What capabilities does the organisation need to have to take those actions successfully?
Once the actions necessary to achieve the business goals defined from priorites are known, the next step is to identify what capabilities the organisation (or division and team) needs, to take the actions identified in question two successfully. Or what does the organisation need to be good at to be able to take those actions successfully?