I need to do a skills analysis questionnaire for a team of Careers Counsellors who want to get involved in the Training and Development function. They all come from different backgrounds (some have been involved in training before) I need some form of questionnaire where I will get good quality information/feedback which will allow me to assess how their current skills can be best used in the training function, and how whatever I do will be personally developmental for them.
Glenda Martin
Glenda Martin
2 Responses
We have numerous questionnaires that may be of some help
If you want to call me to give me more information about the skills you want to assess I may be able to help. We are an on-line profiling and surveying questionnaire company and have a database of some 300 questionnaires.
T:01491 636361
Try our TNA toolkit
I believe our TNA toolkit will help you assess current and required skills. Details are contained on our website at http://www.pdc-online.co.uk or give me a ring on 01423 546958.