I am interested in reports and articles documenting the experiences of SMEs in setting up training strategies and programmes.
Can anyone point me to good literature on SMEs and training? In particular, examples of good practice in this area would be very useful, e.g. successful collaboration between training support organisations such as colleges and SMEs. What has been found to work, what doesn’t, etc.
Brian Mackie
New College Nottingham
brian mackie
Can anyone point me to good literature on SMEs and training? In particular, examples of good practice in this area would be very useful, e.g. successful collaboration between training support organisations such as colleges and SMEs. What has been found to work, what doesn't, etc.
Brian Mackie
New College Nottingham
brian mackie
7 Responses
Mentoring/Action Learning
What size are SMEs? Microbusinesses have different needs
With very small firms, training needs to address specific gaps
in knowledge/understanding – i.e. a holistic approach based upon understand needs of particular clients. Action learning with groups of microbusinesses can work well if properly directed. Our research shows difficulties in establishing relationships with small firms especially credibility.
research query
Thanks for your comments – I agree, the SME ‘sector’ is hugely diverse. I would like to ask whether the research you mention has been published and is it publicly available?
If you prefer you can respond directly via my email, brian.mackie@ncn.ac.uk thanks, brian.
Which meaning of SMEs?
Brian: I read your SMEs as ‘subject matter experts’, but then realised you might be thinking of small and medium enterprises! Which did you mean? There is material on the first interpretation on the TRDEV site at http://train.ed.psu.edu/TRDEV-L/summary.html
SME Training Strategies
Brian: I and three other freelance consultant colleagues are currently working on a management development project with SMEs (small & medium enterprises that is). We don’t have indepth research but our experiences are interesting. If you would like to know more contact me on my email:
Action Learning in the workplace
Brian, we have wide experience of working with many different SMEs and generally gain repeat business. We use a method that combines small group discussion with work based learning materials. Participants gather material, carry out reading and identify improvements to their jobs before attending a meeting., They then come together to discuss what they have learned and found out. The group help to develop each other and the facilitator helps to move the individuals and groups forward. This provides improved action and learning and fits in with the needs of the work place. Most of our participants have gained qualifications through this method.
We do license our materials to others, our licensees also have wide experience of working with SMEs. Do contact me if you want any further information about this.
research query
Anita, thanks for replying. I don’t have your email (unless Trainingzone provides a feature I’m not aware of…?) – I would be interested in contacting you, I’m at brian.mackie@ncn.ac.uk
The UK Excellence Federation and SME’s
We are design consultants and have recently been working with the UKEF developing a new self-assessment programme called BETA. It is aimed at SME’s and has been developed from the pooled expertise of all the UK Excellence Federation members.
The programme will be launched in the next week or so – call us for more details.
Tina Carter, The Junction 01273 441334.