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Snappy title sought


Hello Training Zone members

Can anyone help me come up with a snappy title for a tool I have been working on? I’ve been helping embed a new competency framework, and have drafted some example development ideas that people can refer to around each competency area. I originally just labelled it a ‘Competency Development Guide’, and assumed that later I would suddenly somehow dream up a snappier title. Well, it looks like my creative juices have failed me, so I am asking for help!! What I’d like is a name that suggests something appealing to the user, something that will make them want to acess it – ‘competency development guide’ just won’t do it!!

Any ideas? Please?!


Hello Training Zone members

Can anyone help me come up with a snappy title for a tool I have been working on? I've been helping embed a new competency framework, and have drafted some example development ideas that people can refer to around each competency area. I originally just labelled it a 'Competency Development Guide', and assumed that later I would suddenly somehow dream up a snappier title. Well, it looks like my creative juices have failed me, so I am asking for help!! What I'd like is a name that suggests something appealing to the user, something that will make them want to acess it - 'competency development guide' just won't do it!!

Any ideas? Please?!


9 Responses

  1. Just a suggestion

    Hi Bluetablecloth

    Can I just ask – is this an "in-house" publication?  If so, then how about plagerising/paraphrasing well known straplines for example: 

    Realising Potential – a guide to developing competencies/a competency development handbook/ a performance development handbook. 

    I look forward to reading others contributions to this thread.







  2. idea

    I’m thinking something like Roadmap, Blueprint (Behavioural Blueprint?) and I also quite like the concept of Gold Standards.

  3. snappy Title
    There’s an App for everything these days – even a guide to your success!

    Hope that help – Dave

  4. Snappy title

    Hello BlueTableCloth


    How about something like ‘insights’ or ‘Acumen’ – something that reinforces self awareness and development?


  5. Competency Development Guide
    How about including a strapline in your decided title to include; ‘because your staff are worth it!’

  6. Ask the audience

    I faced a similar problem some years ago when helping to build a competency framework for some underwriters. The team had no good ideas other than competency framework so we went out to a selected group from the population who would use it, they were all considered to be top performers from the group.  We had some significant and unforeseen benefits:

    1. They appreciated being asked rather than getting the new system forced on them. 

    2. They asked us what the intended outcome was from its implementation and after we explained the main outcomes linked to performance management and career development they decided to call it the framework for learning. Thus we ended up with a name based on the perceived main outcome and benefit to the users rather than the content!  

    3. We had far less resistance and arguments when we came to introduce the new system – some level of ownership, even though it was just the name, seemed to reduce the level of normal scepticism and hostility to yet another HR framework.


    Good luck, Nick


  7. Snappy title – you can borrow mine!

    How about Learning A Living?  It’s the name of my business, but I nicked it from someone who used to work in my team who used this title to label our in-company learning resource centre.  I get a lot of comments from people that they like the name.  And I’m always a sucker for a play on words!

  8. Thanks!

    Thank you to all who have contributed to my quest for a snappy title – I am so pleased to see your inputs! I like all your ideas – I’ll let you know what I go for in the end. Thank you!