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So long 20th Century


This is the Training SuperSite’s review of the past 100 years including a salute to the best—and not so bright—workplace ideas of the last 100 years
“Well, that’s over. So much for the second millennium A.D. Fun while it lasted, hate to see it go…now on with the 21st century!
Not so fast. A forward-looking attitude may be virtuous, but just to keep things in perspective, let’s take stock of where we are and how we got here. We’ll see plenty of changes in the years ahead, but we’ll also continue to play out some scripts with a little history attached. Herein, training’s tribute to the horses that brought us this far—and nods to a few nags we’re ready to put out to pasture.
Topics featured:
– Best Idea That Went Bad
– Best Idea Lost
– Best Visual Aid  
– Best Clan Totem
– Best Mission Statement
– Best One-Liners

I particularly liked the best one-liners – featuring some very memorable comments from one of my favourite consultants, Peter Block.

This is the Training SuperSite's review of the past 100 years including a salute to the best—and not so bright—workplace ideas of the last 100 years
"Well, that’s over. So much for the second millennium A.D. Fun while it lasted, hate to see it go…now on with the 21st century!
Not so fast. A forward-looking attitude may be virtuous, but just to keep things in perspective, let’s take stock of where we are and how we got here. We’ll see plenty of changes in the years ahead, but we’ll also continue to play out some scripts with a little history attached. Herein, training’s tribute to the horses that brought us this far—and nods to a few nags we’re ready to put out to pasture.
Topics featured:
- Best Idea That Went Bad
- Best Idea Lost
- Best Visual Aid  
- Best Clan Totem
- Best Mission Statement
- Best One-Liners

I particularly liked the best one-liners - featuring some very memorable comments from one of my favourite consultants, Peter Block.