Can anyone recommend a social care trainer either in the areas of children and young people or adults? Preferably someone based in the Midlands/North of England.
Can anyone recommend a social care trainer either in the areas of children and young people or adults? Preferably someone based in the Midlands/North of England.
9 Responses
Social Care Trainer – Children’s and Young Peoples Services
I currently train social workers in Children’s and Young Peoples Services on their ICT system and I am based in the West Midlands. Does this help?
Areas Of Need??
Hi there,
we work with a no of providers, across a wide range of social care specialisms…let me know the specific areas you are looking at and i will get contacts over if Ii can.
kind regards, Lyn
Social care trainer
Hi Cameron
Feel free to look at our website http://www.impact-training.co.uk or give us a call on 0845 226 3210
Best wishes
Socail care Trainer
Hi Cameron – not sure whether I can promote my training – but I work for CROA – Children’s Rigths Officers and Advocates, and we deliver training to front line workers around listening/communication skills, rights and the particaption of children and young people in their individual plans and the broader setting of influencing services. We have a trianing team which includes care experienced young people see our website http://www.croa.org.uk – Training – Total Respect or drop me an email and I can send you some details jane@croa.org.uk
Social Care for children and young people – Training and Consult
Check out http://www.dynamix.ltd.uk; we are a training co-op specialising in children and young people and we travel all over the UK. We have been running for 20 years and have major clients including Save the Children, Action for Children and the Welsh Assembly Government. If location is more important, try First Question North, a co-operative education group.
Social Care Trainer
Hi Cameron,
We have extensive experience in Children’s Services settings (public sector and not for profit/third sector) focusing on management & leadership skills at all levels, personal effectiveness, resilience etc. If you’d like further information please have a look at our website http://www.acrossboundaries.co.uk and let us know if we can help.
Social Care trainer
If you would like to send me your CV showing the range of trainings you offer and the clients you have worked for we can then look to take it further.
children’s social care training
we use a range of providers but NSPCC, BAAF and Fostering Network are the biggest.
Hi there
Hi there, have a look at AJC-training solutions