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Steve Robson

Marine Industry

Learning and Development Consultant

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Something to Share…


For those of you who haven't discovered Jing is a video that shows you just some of its uses.

I have no idea what I would do without it...very useful!

14 Responses

  1. GanttProject

    And for project software this is brilliant. I use it a lot and it is easier to use though perhaps not as sophisticated at Microsoft Excel. But as it costs nothing, is very stable and excellently supported I’m not complaining.




  2. just been to scribblar………….

    a really good free resource (though b warned they are intending to scale down the free use in the future)

    Thanks Garry


  3. Keeping Abreast of Software

    Without doubt Jane Hart’s web site is one of the best to have bookmarked and visit from time to time to keep an eye on software that might have some interest and use for Training and Developers. Especially this section; ‘The Emerging Top 100 Tools For Learning 2011 List’.



  4. Gliffy – Free Flow Charting Web Based Software (In the Cloud as

    This is a piece of web based software that I use for producing Flow Charts and their like. Up until a couple of years ago I used Visio Flow which is Microsoft and expensive. Registering with Gliffy is free and the basic version which you can access is perfectly OK for most peoples needs. Anyway, check it out and see what you think. I use it and like it:

  5. Pens

    This might be like stating the obvious to most of you but…

    I attended an external course yesterday and the course pen was one of the 4 colour types. Never had one of these on a course before but how useful for taking notes!

    The best ideas are sometimes the simplest ideas that make all the difference to a good event…

Author Profile Picture
Steve Robson

Learning and Development Consultant

Read more from Steve Robson