Speculation continues in the press that the £4 Minimum Wage is on its way, but it is likely to take two years to arrive.
According to the Daily Mirror today, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Stephen Byers will recommend the rise to the Low Pay Commission tomorrow.
If the paper is correct, businesses will not have to worry about the effects of the increase immediately – Byers is putting forward a stepped increase between now and 2002. It would take the adult minimum wage to £3.90 an hour next year and £4.10-plus in 2002.
Both the Low Pay Commission and the DTI remain silent on the issue.
According to the Daily Mirror today, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Stephen Byers will recommend the rise to the Low Pay Commission tomorrow.
If the paper is correct, businesses will not have to worry about the effects of the increase immediately - Byers is putting forward a stepped increase between now and 2002. It would take the adult minimum wage to £3.90 an hour next year and £4.10-plus in 2002.
Both the Low Pay Commission and the DTI remain silent on the issue.