I am looking to provide some training to line managers to improve the way they conduct staff appraisals. Does anyone have or know of any good videos which give examples of what a 'good' appraisal should look like. Since many of our line managers have not experienced a really good appraisal themselves it is hampering their ability to deeliver a first class appraisal - so any suggestions would be welcome.

3 Responses
Video Arts~Feedback for Performance
This is quite a good video as it shows the difference between a pretty awful manager’s appraisal and some good appraisal skills
Appraisal videos
Check out http://www.videoarts.com/Categories/INTERVIEWI/003APPRAIS/Appraisal
The most popular appaisal programmes are The dreaded appraisal and Performance review. You can preview the programmes in full for free on http://www.videoarts.com
Create Your Own…
Another option would be to create your own, using your own appraisal documentation as a template – cut in both good and bad practice and review at appropriate points.