End of course evaluation questionnaires are considred unreilable by many people I have spoken to. Does anyone know of any good source materila on:
How to make them more reliabble
The numbers that should be scored to indicate delegate satisfaction
Trends that can be encountered in longer modular programmes over time.
Thanks for your help
Nigel Denning
How to make them more reliabble
The numbers that should be scored to indicate delegate satisfaction
Trends that can be encountered in longer modular programmes over time.
Thanks for your help
Nigel Denning
2 Responses
End of course evaluation
Although I generally agree that happy sheets are unreliable, they can be considerably improved by (a) being course specific – objectives clearly stated and relevant questions asked, (b) by being given out at the beginnig of the course and, (c) scoring out of 10. On longer term programmes, intermittent evaluations work particularly because they provide opportunity to change things. Agai they need to be course, module and activity specific. As for data to support or contradict, perhaps you could get some information from the IPD.
I could send you some examples of the types of reports we produce for our clients if that would help?