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Steve Lazarus

Keystar Training


Read more from Steve Lazarus

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I am going to deliver a Time Management course to a group of 10 delegates. They work for various government offices and all have  different requirements regarding Time Management. Does anyone have any ideas of generic exercises that would engage all delegates?


6 Responses

  1. From one Steve to another


    It probably depends what kind of outcome you’re looking for from the exercise.  Time management is one of the areas in which I specialize – if you drop me a line with some more information, I’ll be happy to help.

    Have a great day


  2. there probably isn’t a generic exercise to engage all…..


    My suggestion would be to get a time bandits list (you can get on from the downloadable resources section of and get it out to the delegates in advance. then you can concentrate on the most common.



  3. Time Management

    Hi Russ,

    Thank you for your help, like your website by the way.





  4. Time management activity

    I have a timed test you can use for your session as an opening exercise. It demonstrates how we overlook accuracy in favour of speed. If you email me on I will be happy to send it to you.

  5. Spammers

    You might want to be careful posting your email address where the world can see it.  Spam robots might pick this stuff up and start sending you adverts for "male enhancement".

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Steve Lazarus


Read more from Steve Lazarus