have two voluntary sector clients who are senoir managers of the organisation in question. they have undetaken accredited senoir managment training but have asked me to source accredited Managment training from a strategic leadership perspective rather than the perspective of individual Senior Managers. They work as a team and are essentially the Chief Officers of the company.
Ideally the options need to be local as it is very difficult for Voluntary Sector leaders to undertake extensive training away from their locale.
Any advice/suggestions appreciated.
Lynn Williams
Ideally the options need to be local as it is very difficult for Voluntary Sector leaders to undertake extensive training away from their locale.
Any advice/suggestions appreciated.
Lynn Williams
4 Responses
With what type of organisations?
Cranfield, Ashridge, Roffyee park, IOD all provide leadership programmes recognised by the public sector – but are you looking for a badge or capability – the two are not necessarily the same thing.
This type of programme is rarely availably locally.
These programmes are also expensive.
Have you considered peer learning or tyhe use of action learning sets with like minded organisations?
Mike Morrison
L5 NVQ in Management of Volunteers
There are national occuaptional standards for the management of volunteers at levels 3, 4 and 5 (L5 = post-graduate level). These were developed for the UK Workforce Hub (the standards setting body for the sector) and are offered by the Institute of Leadership and Management (www.i-l-m.com).
L5 Vocational management
Senior management have always responded positively in my experience to bespoke leadership programmes which are underpinned by accreditation.
I have run these programmes in the past both through ILM as one of the other posts suggests as well as through awards UK/edexcel/SQA.
With experience of public sector at a senior level it has always seemed appropriate to design programmes which can blend on going leadership development with real live experience (action centred learning) and within a framework which provides not only accreditation but ongoing support to the individuals impact on their roles.
Feel free to contact me to discuss further and I am can discuss experiences or delivery options should you be interested,
Thank You
thank you all for your coments/support. I am investigating the ILM/bespoke route at level 5+ as the most promising option for these two clients.