1. What is the benefit of a Strategic Training Plan
2. Why do organisation need to have a Strategic Training Plan?
majid salleh Bin
2. Why do organisation need to have a Strategic Training Plan?
majid salleh Bin
1. What is the benefit of a Strategic Training Plan
2. Why do organisation need to have a Strategic Training Plan?
majid salleh Bin
2. Why do organisation need to have a Strategic Training Plan?
majid salleh Bin
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2 Responses
meeting objectives
To get buy-in from Senior Management – ie to get them to resource a training programme – you will need to show them that training employees will impact organisational productivity. If you set targets in line with organisational objectives and priorities, you can establish a training programme that will equip employees to meet those targets. This is my understanding of a strategic training plan… though I stand to be corrected if I’m wrong!
Why have one? Well, without having a strategy to improve the organisation through training, how are you ever going to prove that training is a worthwhile investment? Also, while all programmes will need to have a degree of flexibility to account for individual training needs, to bung a load of sessions together that seem like they might be relevant is not the most productive way of organising training! The STP should be the result of a detailed Training Needs Analysis that accounts for both organisational and individual needs.
Strategig Training Plan
Our strategic training plan is derived from our Personal Development Discussion (electronically for the first time this year) and it provides me with a solid basis to plan courses etc well in advance. In conference with managers I can adjust the draft to meet the requirements of my budget and our Strategic Business Plan – a major consideration if you are to get continued buy-in and supportr from Senior Management.