We support staff development with a passion in our organisation. To assist what is a very good take up on training opportunites staff sign learning agreements with regard to repayment/penalty costs for withdrawl from the training and time commitment to the organisation depending on the level of training/developement given (MA/MBA etc).
We obviously support staff by giving the min of one half day for home study (distance learning0 against one full day for college courses but how long should we give for exam study etc – study leave. Does it exist.
keith bell
We obviously support staff by giving the min of one half day for home study (distance learning0 against one full day for college courses but how long should we give for exam study etc - study leave. Does it exist.
keith bell
2 Responses
Study leave is essential
Depends on the type of exams – speaking as someone who has just studied for Masters level exams in HR I would suggest 5 days for intensive study for 3 exams, 3 days for 2 exams and 2 for 1 exam.
This of course is in addition to study in their own time.
study leave for higher education
As a civil servant I do feel privileged to be studying for a public sector MBA which is fully funded. I am given extra leave to attend workshops, exams and summer schools plus a total of 40 days study leave over the duration of the course. I can also use accrued flexileave and annual leave and my line manager has some flexibility in allowing some extra leave for exam revision. I am finding this very hard work, while at the same time working full time in a demanding job, but I am enjoying it and appreciate the opportunity I have been given. I do feel that these development opportunities in the public sector do compensate, at least in part, for the relatively poor pay, compared with those doing equivalent work outside. I just hope that when I attain my MBA this will be recognised and I find better promotion/advancement opportunities. The experience of colleagues indicates that this hasn’t been the case in the past, and many have jumped ship out of the public sector as soon as they have graduated.