Hi all,
I am due to run a team away day for a team of 25, during the morning we will be inside working on purpose, current state, future state etc. But the client has asked that I include some "outside activities" that are fun but also have a purpose in the afternoon. We have the use of a large field.
The group size is 25 and they are of mixed age so nothing very strenuous, (client does not have anything in mind), there are no "team facilities" at the venue.
I am thinking of some activities that maybe larger versions of things you might do inside, one of the areas they need to work on is improving communication between the 3 functions that make up the team.
I remember a long time ago when I was running a team, a consultant ran a team day for me and we did some exercises outside, one was something like UXB and involved some bits of rope and buckets etc. The client does not have a large extras budget but could stretch to a few items like that.
I also have to provide a full risk assessment.
Anyone got any ideas?
Many Thanks
Hi all,
I am due to run a team away day for a team of 25, during the morning we will be inside working on purpose, current state, future state etc. But the client has asked that I include some "outside activities" that are fun but also have a purpose in the afternoon. We have the use of a large field.
The group size is 25 and they are of mixed age so nothing very strenuous, (client does not have anything in mind), there are no "team facilities" at the venue.
I am thinking of some activities that maybe larger versions of things you might do inside, one of the areas they need to work on is improving communication between the 3 functions that make up the team.
I remember a long time ago when I was running a team, a consultant ran a team day for me and we did some exercises outside, one was something like UXB and involved some bits of rope and buckets etc. The client does not have a large extras budget but could stretch to a few items like that.
I also have to provide a full risk assessment.
Anyone got any ideas?
Many Thanks
5 Responses
team activities
Something like rounders would work, get the teams to be mixed up or spit up into smaller teams and create a league. You do not need that much equipment for it and it gets everyone invovled.
I would also suggest something for the inside should the weather not play ball.
Assault Course
How about a simple blind folded assault course?
2 or 3 teams have to race round the course as quickly as possible with only one of the team able to see. Communication is everything.
Ropes, cornflake boxes, tin cans, buckets, tennis balls, chairs, bricks, rubber rings etc etc can all be labelled as "dangerous" and to be avoided.
A bit like Its a Knock Out in the dark.
Some of the Belbin activities would work well
Whilst your client may not have enough £££ to buy the Belbin package of activities, one or two are simple enough to reconstruct. One is a treasure hunt. Teams have to find/procure various items on a list (from memory they include a purple shoe, a cauliflower, odd things like that). The other one I remember that would work well (and is similar to Steve's suggestion) is a sheep-herding task. Team members are blindfolded within a pen (marked with tape on the ground) and the only sighted player has to get them all into a marked area. They need to devise a communication method (eg whistle, clapping or similar) so that the blind folded players know whether to turn right, left, forwards or backwards.
The treasure hunt probably works best if people have access to a village/town so they can scavenge in charity shops etc. But it could be adapted if you are in a conference venue I'm sure.
This is the Belbin package: http://www.cert-uk.info/belbin-contribute.pdf
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