Leadership: how can we solve problems so everyone wins?


Good leadership isn’t about imposing your worldview on those you manage; often it’s about being able to resolve conflict effectively. Here are some tips for more positive problem solving to ensure everyone feels like a winner. When there’s a problem that needs solving in a working environment, the temptation is for people to pick a […]

L&D strategy: whose responsibility is learning anyway?


Historically, the responsibility of workplace learning fell solely on the shoulders of the L&D department, but this is no longer the case. We now know that creating a culture of learning across a whole organisation is a key part to any successful learning strategy. A learning culture is just that, a culture, which will take […]

Stuck on a Goal? Here’s How to Get Aligned


I interviewed one of our life coaching students, Heather, about what she learned in the course and how she is applying her NLP and coaching skills from the iNLP Center. She found a great way to integrate goal-setting with mind maps. Here’s what she reported. Thanks, Heather! I’ve had this great idea for a small business […]

Bringing success home


In a profound way England’s success at the 2018 World Cup is all the greater for them not having come home with the trophy. Had they done so all the commentary would have been about the win; endless TV appearances showing off the trophy, managing the weight of expectations in respect of the next tournament, […]

The art of nonviolent communication


We all do it every day: connecting. We are all busy with connecting and we are proud of it based on the many hits on Google, LinkedIn profiles, and in missions, visions and core values. But in daily practice, both in the working environment and at home, we are unwittingly more dividing than connecting. The […]

Meta-awareness: the third building block of mindfulness


In the last article of this three-part series, Professors Megan Reitz and Michael Chaskalson from Ashridge Executive Education discuss the third building block of mindfulness – meta-awareness. They explore how developing an ability to observe your thoughts, feeling, sensations and impulses as they are happening, through just 10 minutes of mindfulness practice every day, can […]

Inquiry: the second of three building blocks of mindfulness


In the second article of this three-part series, Professors Megan Reitz and Michael Chaskalson from Ashridge Executive Education discuss the second building block of mindfulness – inquiry. They explore how developing a curiosity about your present moment experience, through just 10 minutes of mindfulness practice every day, can help you and your teams shape your […]

Overwhelmed by Thinking? Try This


There’s enough to think about for most of us without thinking too much about thinking itself.  But as a mindfulness teacher and keen thought-thinker, the data-stream running through our heads, how to talk about it, and what to do with it, provides me with an endless source of fascination. Thinking, after all, along with emotions […]

Allowing: the first of three building blocks of mindfulness


In the first of three articles, Professor Megan Reitz and Professor Michael Chaskalson from Ashridge Executive Education discuss the first building block of mindfulness – ‘Allowing’ – and how developing an attitude of kindness and acceptance through 10 minutes of mindfulness practice every day can help you and your team members take your minds out […]

Motivational video on ownership


Hi, I’m looking for a short inspirational video focused on Ownership/accountability to show at the end a internal Customer Experience conference. Does anyobody come across something powerful on the topic or perhaps you have something you could share with me? I’m browsing YoutTube as we speak as well, but I’ve got a tight deadline, hence why I […]

People development: Using experiential learning to create behavioural change


Not all learning has to be done in a classroom – sometimes the best way for employees to learn new skills is by being exposed to new experiences. The current uncertainty and ambiguity in business requires leaders to be more agile and operate out of their comfort zone. Experiential learning has been growing in popularity […]

Eight Benefits of Hypnotherapy (Realistic)


The benefits of hypnotherapy outweigh the associated risks, which are primarily time and money. Many people worry about the scary possibilities (seen in movies) when undergoing hypnosis, but the risks pretty much boil down to losing time and money for something you hoped would work but didn’t. The possibility that an average, professionally trained hypnotherapist […]

Can employers give bad references?


Seeking a reference from an applicant’s previous employer is a standard part of the recruitment process.  You are encouraged to write references with the utmost amount of honesty and accuracy, but this will understandably become more difficult when writing a reference for a troublesome former employee. What are the laws surrounding references? Although you are […]

A Crash Course on Reaching Your Millenials


A lot has been written about the disconnect between today’s young professional, and the generations that came before them.  “Millenial” is almost thrown around as a dirty word, as the connotation says it all. Right or wrong, Millenials are often stereotyped as being fragile, self-involved, lazy and unproductive.  However, it’s important to note in the […]

Combatting disability discrimination at work


Combatting disability discrimination within your organisation What is disability discrimination? Disability discrimination refers to a situation where someone is treated less favourably because they have a disability or are perceived as having a disability. Even though the UK has had laws in place for over 40 years protecting the rights of disabled people, discrimination remains […]

Is social media use of staff hurting your business


Most of your staff will undoubtedly be active on social media and have profiles scattered around the web, but how could their private behaviour online be affecting the business that employs them? Behaviour online is never private, and many people seem to forget this quite easily. The internet, especially social media, is unforgiving. Once you […]

Countdown to Success


Like a lot of people, I probably spend too much time on my phone playing games. A long-term favourite has been ‘The Chase’, but just recently I’ve been getting into Countdown, based on the long-running TV show.  Having tried Countdown once or twice on the ‘hard’ setting and being totally humiliated by a computer (I […]

Symptoms Or Cause?


As Glasstap’s Training Design Manager, a large part of my job involves the process of creating training material for both Trainers’ Library and Managers’ Library. Another significant role, that I really love, is helping trainers pull together training sessions to deliver. The topics I get asked to assist with are many and varied; this week’s […]

What are the Pain Points for Training Companies ?


If you are the owner, MD or senior player in a training company, I would like to ask you a simple question. What frustrates you the most in your business ? Please let me know. I am conducting research for my company.  If you respond, I promise to give you some tips and ideas to help […]

Post GDPR training for your workforce


“We’re updating our terms and conditions…” I bet everyone is fed up with seeing that email subject line. However, the actual reasoning behind them is for everyone’s benefit – seriously! Long story short, they had to be sent out after the update to the GDPR, and the GDPR exists to protect your information from misuse […]