The reality of performance: no team is an island


In my last three articles, I’ve spoken about the things a team needs to focus on to become a winning team – with the main emphasis being on the team itself and its members. It’s fair to say that some people object to the term ‘winning’ to describe a business team because the implication is […]

Change is Emotional


People sometimes question why we use so much story in our training materials, and why we put so much emphasis on emotionally engaging learners, rather than simply delivering facts and figures, in what some consider a more ‘academic’ way, with supporting PowerPoint.  Well there’s a simple answer to this. We’re not interested in delivering information; […]

Risk is a state of mind


Leading an organisation can sometimes feel a bit like a game of snakes and ladders. You aim to be successful, to lead your organisation up those ladders towards growth and profitability and success whilst avoiding all those potential pitfalls which can see your hard work come to naught. And let’s face it, those potential pitfalls […]

What do apprenticeships in 2018 look like?


Apprenticeships are having a bit of a moment. Gone are the days when being an apprentice meant leaving your home and living alongside your master mentor. Now they are a mix of practical skills, qualifications and work experience. Yet apprenticeships, in a form that we’d recognise today, have existed since the later Middle Ages when […]

Profiting from diversity


Let’s start right off by saying that yes, we know the title of this article can be read in two ways; and no, we are not suggesting that businesses and business leaders should revert to some kind of divide and conquer relationship. On the other hand, the drive to improve diversity levels across organisations is […]

How to Create an Employee Wellness Program


Businesses lose a lot when their employees are ill. The CDC Foundation found in 2015 that “productivity losses linked to absenteeism cost employers $225.8 billion annually in the United States, or $1,685 per employee.” And the real cost of sickness is certainly higher when you think about sick or stressed employees who do show up […]

Why Equality Matters


All too often, the news reports that fill our screens are tales where something bad has happened, so it is lovely when a genuinely heart warming tale goes viral that reminds us all of the capacity we all have to make a positive difference to others, especially when they really need it. One such tale […]

Unlock your business voice with these 4 key questions


In my work as a presentation and public speaking coach, I meet a lot of people, working across a huge range of roles and industries, and through them, I hear all sorts of anecdotes set in the workplace. This gives me some really interesting insights into the ways people behave at work and around their […]

What interviewing techniques do you use?


    Interviews are an opportunity to get information. The funnelling technique is a communication process to help ensure: The right type of questions are asked Detailed responses are given Accurate notes of the responses are captured “Who questions much, shall learn much, and retain much” FRANCIS BACON Funnelling is a 3 stage process: Open Ask an […]

Better communication at work: how to stop waffling and get to the point


Whilst we might know exactly what we mean when trying to convey a message to others, there are many times when the true meaning simply gets lost in translation. It can be easy to assume that some people are just blessed with having “the gift of the gab” and that those who don’t have this […]

Practice Makes … Slightly Better than Eric?


Last week I wrote about Miss Wall, my childhood piano teacher. I came to be reminiscing about her because, after a long period of not playing the piano at all, I’d spontaneously bought a new book of music, when we were supposed to be buying floor tiles. (Trago Mills sells everything!)  These days, playing the […]

Are you a Miss (or Mr) Wall to Learning?


I first started to learn to play the piano at the age of about 5, having shown an ‘inclination’ at a very young age. (I used to clamber on to the piano stool and bash at the keys, but hey, parents will cling to anything!) My first teacher had been my Dad’s. This was unfortunate, […]

Taking the pledge on gender diversity


In February 2018 the Chair of the Treasury select committee, Nicky Morgan, wrote to 33 financial services firms calling on them to sign the Women in Finance Charter*. Originally drawn up in 2016 the charter represents a joint commitment by HM Treasury and the financial sector to work together in order to deliver gender balance […]

Analysing resistance during a training session – what to do


As an anthropologist, I find the idea of resistance fascinating. When I used to teach, one of the books we focused on was Aihwa Ong’s Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline: Factory Women in Malaysia. In it, she explored the lives of young Malay women in the 1980s who began to work in factories. This […]

How HR can equip line managers to cope with conflict


Dealing with workplace conflict is the bane of many an HR manager’s working life. People accuse their manager of treating them unfairly. Power struggles emerge within teams. Colleagues fall out and refuse to co-operate with each other. Unfortunately, by the time the problem arrives at HR’s door, the conflict has often reached an advanced stage. Positions have become entrenched, […]

What is good customer service anyway?


At the end of last year, I was booked on a flight from Goa to Mumbai. Two hours before the flight, I received a text message from the airline saying the flight was cancelled due to bad weather. And that was it. You might assume that this was a budget operator, but no, this was from […]

Five Ways To Increase Your Mental Wellbeing…


In the modern always-on-world, where we are expected to be contactable 24/7, have a successful professional and personal life, as well as lead and inspire our teams, it is no wonder that our everyday mental resilience is often tested. So how do we identify if we are heading towards a tipping point where our resilience […]

Ulrich Boser: The 10 commandments of ‘learning to learn’


TrainingZone reports on the key takeaways from bestselling author and educational journalist Ulrich Boser’s opening address on day two of Learning Technologies 2018, which took place in London in February 2018. In day two’s keynote, Ulrich Boser explored how people really learn, arguing that ‘a lot of the conventional wisdom on learning is wrong’. Both in […]

Lessons from NASA: do you understand the ‘success trap?’


Success begets success, as the saying goes, but it can also ironically set the stage for avoidable mistakes and failures. Worse, greater success strengthens the influences that create this risk. This is true for an organization as it achieves more and more impressive wins, and it is just as true for each of us individually as we […]

How to remove the glass ceiling


The corporate glass ceiling is an unacknowledged barrier to advancement in a corporation. It is an invisible but real barrier through which the next stage or level of advancement can be seen, but cannot be reached. We hear and read about the desire and need to smash it to allow advancement. Smashing and broken glass […]