Is your leadership style spreading fear?

According to a global study, nearly one-quarter of UK leaders are leading with fear. How can we tackle and alleviate fear and, most importantly, ensure we aren’t propagating it ourselves?
Help your employees resolve workplace conflict themselves

If clashes can be nipped in the bud by the very people involved, senior intervention or formal action might not be required. Here’s how organisations can empower their employees to resolve their own conflicts.
Rethinking learning culture: Is it enough for business-savvy L&D teams?

There’s a lot of confusion over what a learning culture actually is and whether it is a helpful term for business-savvy L&D teams. Is it the key to a high-performing organisation or another buzzword to ignore?
How can we measure the impact of L&D on culture change?

Jackie Clifford explores the difficulties L&D organisations face in providing solid, tangible evidence of culture change.
Line managers: You shouldn’t have gone to Specsavers

Danny Wilkinson, Co-founder of Traction Coaching explores why it’s time for line managers to stop looking elsewhere and to take a good look at themselves.
Suicide awareness training: Six risk factors to pay attention to

Tragically, 6,000 people every year in the UK alone are being lost to something that is now widely described by expert clinicians as preventable – suicide. How can L&D professionals ensure workers are educated on the risk factors and extend a lifeline to those in crisis?
A future we cannot fathom: Learning Technologies 2024 gets down and dirty

This year’s Learning Technologies offered an energising, supportive environment for L&D professionals grappling with heavyweight problems and seeking to prepare for a future we’re ill-equipped to fathom.
How to make your business more resilient

Is there a way to build your company’s adaptive capacity?
Become a change maker in fighting workplace discrimination

Ekua Cant and Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah explore the mismatch between personal and professional values and how aligning these can create safer workspace.
Three ways to boost the happiness of your learners (and why it’s important to)

Studies have shown that positive learners retain more information, so how can you start training on an upbeat note?
Learning transfer: The difficulty with creating new habits

Why is it so hard to form good habits and behaviours?
Does your workplace value toxicity over trust?

Does your workplace value toxicity over trust? There are 12 indicators that may suggest this is the case…
A practical guide to ethical leadership: How is it actually done?

Where we could spend hours talking about leading ethically (conceptual), how do we actually do it (experiential) and how do we know we’re leading ethically? Karen Liebenguth shares a robust guide for leaders who want to lead with wisdom and compassion.
Behaviourism has influenced workplace learning more than you think

In the first article from the Great Minds on Learning content series, Donald Clark takes us on a whistle-stop tour of the behaviourists.
‘Termite biases’: What you need to know about them and what you can do about them.

A joke, compliment or remark: What’s wrong with them, right? Think again. These ‘termite biases’ might be just what needs to be addressed to nurture inclusion.
Top ten New Year’s resolutions for managers

To start 2024 with purpose, Serenity in Leadership CEO Thom Dennis looks at the potential managerial pitfalls that need to be avoided in 2024…
Three ways to overcome unconscious leadership fears

How can we enable leaders to conquer their fears and create a higher-performing work environment? Leadership expert Margot Faraci shares key insights.
Why your leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle

L&D can help its leaders to re-learn the behaviours needed to lead with confidence and compassion in 2023.
What’s a super-helper and why are they damaging your organisation?

Super-helpers are at risk of burn-out. L&D can encourage better behaviours from everyone in the organisation and avoid exploiting these useful employees.
The challenge of middle management – the role of emotional intelligence and self-compassion

How improving emotional intelligence can help create harmony in the workplace.