The challenge of being a more productive lawyer


We have been exploring working with Lancaster University – we completed three projects with them in 2015 – and I was in recent discussion with them on productivity.  It is an area that I suspect some of our law firm clients could work with the university on the research they are currently conducting.  I read […]

Engaging the 21st century workforce with an accessible approach to learning


Julian Wragg gives us some advice for engaging the modern workforce in L&D. From standing desks, to the rise of collaboration platforms like Box and Slack, we’re edging closer to working the way we want to perform to the best of our ability. And it’s not just about simplicity; the ‘I want it now’ generation […]

How to explain the difference your coaching makes


Executive coaching is brilliant! It can alter behaviours, drive change and transform organisations. It really can. But even executives who’ve received coaching find it difficult to nail down with any accuracy the difference their coaching has made. As for other stakeholders in the coaching within your client company, such as the coaching participant’s line manager, the budget […]

L&D industry insight: Kim Morgan


Recently we spoke to Kim Morgan from Barefoot Coaching about ways into the industry, the future of coaching and more. L&D industry insight: Kim Morgan on coaching by Trainingzone on Mixcloud Recently we spoke to Kim Morgan from Barefoot Coaching about ways into the industry, the future of coaching and more.L&D industry insight: Kim Morgan […]

How learning can outpace market change


Not enough time for reflection at work? Ian Helps agrees with you. “This project represents my first ever critical self-reflection in eight years of working for [my company]” This quotation captures the tragic waste of human capital prevalent in many companies today. By encouraging staff to ‘execute and not think’, companies expect high performance. What […]

The top ten reasons why employees resist change


We all hate change but, as an employer, if you expect resistance to change and then plan for it from the start, it will help to allow you to effectively manage objections, sometimes even before they are raised. Leona Barr-Jones gives us some advice in the face of resistance. The first step in any change programme however […]

Assessing Performance – the devil is in the detail


For many organisations, the annual performance review is just around the corner. This can be a formidable challenge for over-stressed managers with little time to complete the appraisal process. Assessing performance creates difficulties in getting the Appraiser and Appraisee to see ‘eye to eye’. When done right, the result can be a motivating experience for […]

TrainingZone interviews: Your Impact’s Sue Gilkes


**SPONSORED CONTENT** We chat to Sue Gilkes to find out exactly what ‘social engineering’ means and how businesses can ensure their data is kept secure. You’re spending a lot of time on ‘social engineering’ at Your Impact at the moment. Give us a brief explanation of what it is. It would be easier to understand if […]

How A Leader’s Mood Affects Team Performance


A leader’s emotions are the secret driver of great performance. Research on emotional intelligence in the workplace has found links between a leader’s emotional maturity and business success. A leader’s emotional style sets the tone in the office. Through their moods, leaders have the power to create a work culture that is either positive and […]

How to change habitual behaviour by remodelling your brain


Amy Brann offers insights on how to alter negative behavioural habits which can impact the morale, engagement and trust of the people you work with. As professionals, do we fully appreciate how tiny differences in our behaviour can have significant effects on others? Identifying and controlling behavioural habits can be crucial to harnessing the profound […]

Merlin’s Magic – Learning About Learning from Horses


Those of you who attended this year’s Trainersrs’ Conference in March, will know that over the course of the previous twelve months, I fulfilled a lifelong ambition. In July last year I bought a previously unhandled horse and started on the journey of training him myself. It’s been a thrilling adventure. I bought my first […]

Sustaining behaviour change: Crucial for business


Graham Scrivener tells us how to make the most of our learning events, long after they finish. Behaviour change is crucial to business change. In fact, according to research by the Economist Intelligence Unit, behaviour change in the organisation is “the most important measure in determining the success of a change initiative.” However, according to […]

Conflict and challenge (The Thomas Kilmann Model)


  Conflict and challenge (The Thomas Kilmann Model) Published July 13, 2012 | By Ian Are people who are more comfortable with conflict more able to challenge? I had an interesting conversation about conflict and the Thomas Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI). In the 1970s Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann developed a model of conflict, […]

How to create sustainable behaviour change


Tom Quayle explores how organisations can make behavioural change stick.   When we talk about behaviour, what we really mean is our natural habits – the things that we do that are observable, consistent and frequent. Training – the transfer of knowledge and content – doesn’t change behaviour. And it’s for this reason that learning […]

How to adapt to change


One of the great challenges of our times is the ability to cope with change. Liggy Webb offers some tips. Life in the twenty tens has seemingly propelled us into a rapidly changing world where the escalating pace of change is greater today than at any other time in our recorded history. Every aspect of […]

The secret of emotional intelligence for exceptional leadership


Exceptional leadership can only be reached when the human body is considered holistically, says Seven Suphi. This article provides a glimpse into the discoveries of over ten years of behavioural change work with business leaders. It’s intended to inform and inspire your curiosity because being curious is the foundation of being exceptional.   Emotions and […]

Beyond training: how to re-order the brain to achieve remarkable results


The key to successfully integrating new learning back into the workplace is in the implementation outside of the classroom. Steve White looks at how to turn training into behaviour change.  The brain is so sensitive to external experiences that you can literally rewire it through exposure to cultural influences, according to John J. Medina, neurologist […]

Leadership training – to educate or to change behaviour?


Robert Terry says it is time to focus leaders on behaviour change rather than learning outcomes. Here he talks to Mike Levy.    Are trainers teachers in business suits? Do those who pay for leadership training want more educated leaders or people who do the job more effectively? These are questions that are really galling […]

The Difference between Training and Comms


I’ve recently taken over a Training Team and found that slot of what they do I would class as Comms rather than Training. By this I mean that they are doing things that only require awareness and don’t require any change in action or behaviour. Does anyone have any credible definitions I could use to […]