Seven leadership development areas the C-Suite should not ignore
Essential training for leaders who need to take accountability in 2022
The role of mentoring in boosting belonging
The UK has a belonging crisis but L&D can help with an effective mentoring strategy
The elusive learning culture: Can we really define it?
We often find ourselves immersed in the learning culture conversation, but do we really know what it means and what we’re aspiring to achieve? It’s a pretty commonly used phrase, but when I ask people what they mean by ‘learning culture’, the closest I get to a definition is ‘a culture in which people learn?’ […]
Challenging fraud
A member of your accounts team receives an e-mail from a supplier giving a change of bank details. What do they do next? In another scenario an urgent request comes in to the accounts department from an executive asking for an immediate payment to be made to a new supplier. What happens next? If the […]
Learning culture: Why risk taking and failure are essential to progress
An element of risk is essential to fostering a learning culture.
Five reflective questions for embarking on a new year of learning
The transition from one year to the next has many of us beginning to reflect on where we have been during the last 12 months and where we want to get to in the coming ones. Graham Gibbs’ model of reflection refers to this as retrospective reflection and prospective reflection – it’s something that we […]
Truffle boxes make your bakery products elegant
Truffle Boxes are used for the most favorite moment that makes your occasion more delightful with their amazing valuable packaging. These boxes are also used for taking the different bakery products. You can buy our best custom printed boxes at affordable prices under your budget. Thousands of people are like the cookie very much. We […]
How to recognise and embed a coaching culture in your organisation
Nurturing a coaching culture is no easy feat… but the pay-off is huge.
Learning about climate risk
What is the climate risk to your business? With COP26 taking place in Glasgow at the time of writing it’s a topical question. But before you dismiss this as a bandwagon article, or think that by cutting down on areas such as travel or materials wastage you are doing enough, it might be time to […]
How can L&D help managers develop a success mindset?
Managing people effectively is about much more than how well managers can do their own job. So what can L&D do to help develop a mindset for success?
What role can L&D play in the climate emergency?
As COP26 kicks off, Nicki Davey asks ‘what can L&D do to equip people for the climate emergency?’
The awareness factor: How to upskill your learners more efficiently
When it comes to upskilling your learners, L&D professionals should consider bring ‘Awareness’ into the training mix
How cyber-fit is your organisation?
October’s Cyber Security Awareness Month is a time for businesses to take a step back and see if they are doing all they can to keep cyber criminals at bay
The Great Resignation
Prior to the pandemic, it was easy to find excuses not to do things; it wasn’t the right time, it was risky, it was too big a step…. The pandemic challenged the very fabric of our comfort zones and therefore the validity of those excuses. If it hadn’t been for the pandemic, I wouldn’t now […]
Emotional intelligence: The EAR approach
How can leaders better engage with emotions in the workplace?
Organisational development: why being agile requires a different mindset
Being agile is about people, not processes.
Show Racism the Red Card
Like most of the country, we were glued to our televisions just over a week ago watching England battle it out in the Euro final. (Well, actually, I have a confession to make; I was exactly two minutes late bringing the food through to the lounge and missed Luke Shaw’s brilliant goal!) It was fantastic to […]
How to apply inner game coaching principles
The main thing standing in the way of your performance is your mindset. Discover how coaching can help.
Personal development: how to increase your adaptability
Are you as adaptable as you think? Here’s how to find out – and increase your skills.
Can charisma overcome resistance towards training and development?
Proven techniques to engage learners who are resistant or negative.