The 9-5 Office – Why I’m Backing the Alternative


The battle has commenced between those advocating more remote working after the pandemic and those wanting people to return to the office. Take this recent article on the BBC news website, for example, in which Paul Swinney, spokesperson for Centre for Cities, says he is “quite hopeful that we will see people return five days […]

Me, a Left-Hand Drive Dog and Normality


A few weeks ago, following our move to France, I was finally reunited with my two horses. They’d been due to arrive in the first week of December, but their move was delayed by numerous Covid and Brexit related barriers, which at times felt insurmountable. The biggest problem, post Brexit, was that the folks at Defra […]

Ending workplace racism starts with talking


Another high-profile employer – the Church of England – has been exposed as trying to keep staff grievances under wraps, according to a BBC Panorama investigation. Instead, the Church is accused of “buying silence” as well as the tactical use of non-disclosure agreements. The picture presented by the Panorama programme is one of insensitivity and […]

Drawing Attention to the SubConscious


Sometimes, I think, learning requires no more than shining a light on what should be obvious; those things that are going on at a subconscious level. It’s like when we were watching Pitch Perfect the other day and learnt that Darth Vader means Dark Father in German. Except, apart from containing an embarrassing admission, this […]

Training for a new ‘new normal’


Reacting If leadership in 2020 could be summed up in one word, that’s probably it. Over the last twelve months we have had to react to lockdowns and ever changing regulations, to furloughs and flexible working, and latterly to the demands of a post-Brexit world. Along the way businesses have shown themselves to be resourceful […]

Retraining the culture


What is your first thought when training is mentioned? Is it perhaps learning a new skill in order to progress through the organisation? Or maybe it is the need to become familiar with a new piece of equipment or a software development? These are fairly standard training requirements and, whether delivered via a one-off module […]

Snapshots We Retain


The other day, as I was trying to get to grips with a left-hand drive Nissan Micra on snowy hill roads in France (my car was in the garage), I suddenly thought; how on Earth did I get here?!  I am, after all, the boy that never wanted to leave the village I grew up […]

Resolutions Shmesolutions! Try Reflection Instead


January feels like it should be a time for renewal and transformation. Yet, if we take our cue from the natural world, in the Northern hemisphere we are mid-winter, which is all about slowing down, turning inward and rest. This may explain why the annual battle to get fit, lose weight and change habits feels […]

How Delightful is Your Training?


A few months ago, I found an old book of verse, long forgotten, on a bookshelf at my Dad’s house. I remembered it from my childhood but in fact it’s much older than that; it belonged to my Mum when she was a child. It has her name and address written neatly inside the front […]

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