Why you might be more creative than you think!


A report from Adobe has suggested that creativity is the skill most sought by recruiters in 2022.  The problem is a lot of people don’t think they’re creative. In fact, there’s a widespread belief that creativity is something you’re either born with, or not, and that there’s nothing you can do about it. To which, […]

What’s Wrong with Sympathy?


COVID; it finally got me. My symptoms were mostly those of a cold, but it was exhausting nonetheless, and I decided to do what I’d insisted other team members do in the same circumstances. I took time off to relax and fight it. But I really don’t want your sympathy, and I’ll explain why. I […]

Reassessing unconscious bias


No matter how much equality, inclusion, and unconscious bias training you run there is one area which may be letting you down. Almost invisible and taken for granted, your internal processes and computer algorithms may not be as even handed as you would like to think. Trusting that algorithms are unbiased is an easy assumption […]