Public Sector Gets Motivated


There is a move towards motivational training in the public sector, according to training materials provider Video Arts.The company says that many organisations are re-focusing their training resources in the wake of two recent reports on the health of the public sector – the Gershon review of efficiency and Lyons review of re-location.Having analysed their […]

Parkin Space: A New Paradigm for Learning


In recent columns I have talked about the power of informal learning, and wondered why learning professionals conspicuously ignore the potential for performance improvement that it offers. Now that the kind of human interactions that make informal learning so effective are being facilitated by the Internet, the relevance and impact of formal training may diminish […]

CIPD Calls for More Basic Skills Training


Employers need to look more seriously at increasing basic skills in their workforce, according to a report by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).The report, Basic Skills in the Workplace – Opening Doors to Learning, looks at organisations that have invested in basic skills and case studies and states that successful companies need […]

Women Make ‘Better Leaders’


Women are more likely to have the leadership characteristics essential for high performance in today’s workplace, according to a new study.The research, from leadership consultants the Centre for High Performance Development (CHPD), suggests that while men believe they are more competent than women, the reverse is true. However, men’s self-belief and ability to promote themselves […]

The Way I See It… Are we Creating a Workforce of Drifters?


Michael Graham, managing director of Pitman Training argues that today’s workers are more likely to take a pick-and-mix approach to skills and work than the traditional career ladder. He asks what this will mean for business. The annual workplace survey conducted by Pitman Training has unearthed a clear trend towards “job drifting” similar to our […]

Workers Say Training Boosts Performance


Nearly all workers believe that training is helping them do their jobs better, according to a new survey by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).The poll, of 750 workers, found that almost four in five feel their employer offers enough training opportunities and 94% of respondents who have undertaken training in the past […]

£460,000 for Companies with Learning Edge


This week sees the launch of a nationwide search for employers who provide the very best practical training for young people.New practical learning charity, Edge, will award £460,000 in cash prizes to employers across the nation who can demonstrate how they offer excellent work-related learning opportunities for 14-25 year olds. The Edge Employer Awards are […]

Recruitment Firm Scoops Training Award


Professional services recruitment consultancy Badenoch & Clark has won a special award for Best Training & Development in The Sunday Times 100 Best Companies To Work For awards.The Times survey revealed that 86% of Badenoch & Clark employees feel they receive support from managers when they need to learn new skills (the third highest score […]

Police Training Under Spotlight


The Independent Police Complaints Commission has called for a review of recruitment and development methods to identify personality traits that are unacceptable in police officers. The recommendation came as 12 police officers were set to be disciplined as a result of a BBC documentary – The Secret Policeman, screened in 2003 – showing racism at […]

New Skills Standards for Tourism


New occupational standards for the tourism industry will form the basis of all vocational qualifications in the sector.Published by People 1st, the Sector Skills Council for the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism sector, the National Occupational Standards (NOS) prioritise the areas of sales and customer service, together with the skills of good organisation and business […]

MBA Courses Need the ‘Feminine’ Touch


Researchers from Brunel University’s Business School are calling to ‘feminise’ the MBA by incorporating softer skills into the curriculum.Condemning the current structure as largely ‘masculine’ Brunel argue that ‘harder’, analytical skills are prioritised to the detriment of more ‘feminine’ skills relating to personal and interpersonal development. In particular, they have identified listening, trust building skills […]

Employers Urged to Enter Apprenticeship Awards


The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) is urging employers to enter this year’s National Apprenticeship Awards. The awards are designed to recognise employers who are successfully using apprenticeships to improve business performance, and the hard work and commitment of young people currently on, or who have completed, an apprenticeship.Entries close on 10th March and four-time […]

The Way I See It… Internal Communications – Mind the Gap


The success of projects, of making people understand, learn and engage is dependent on communication. Alastair Barber, internal communications specialist with marketing consultancy Omobono looks at the issues. Sitting on a filthy floor in your best glad-rags clenched between the thighs of a drunken stranger: that’s an experience that The Gap Band brought to a […]

50% Rise in Employers Facing Skills Shortages


Figures released by the British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) show a 50% increase in the number of employers reporting difficulties recruiting staff with the right skills.A comparison of the BCC’s biggest economic survey between 1994 and 2004 has shown that while 29% of employers in 1994 complained of recruitment problems related to skills shortages, last […]

NIACE Highlights Learning Challenge of Ageing Population


A new policy discussion paper from the National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (NIACE) argues that a fresh approach is needed from policy makers, educational providers and workplaces to cope with the implications of a rapidly ageing population.The paper, Demography and Older Learners, states that over the next decade there will only be enough young […]

Ramsey Under Pressure at HRD 2005


Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsey is set to offer his secrets on performing under pressure at this years Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) HRD 2005 Conference and Exhibition. The conference will have over 40 seminars linking case studies, interactive workshops, debates and speakers who include:* Kelly Holmes, double Olympic gold medallist on self-belief, tenacity […]

Part-Timers Excluded from Training


Part-time workers are 40% less likely to receive in-working training than their full-time counterparts.These are the findings from an Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) investigation: Part-time is no crime – so why the penalty?.According to the EOC more than half the UK’s part-time workers are in jobs that they feel fail to capitalise on their qualifications, […]

Managers face ‘knowledge gap’ on bullying


A UK-wide survey among managers has revealed that bullying is not seen as a key issue in today’s workplace – with only 17% of respondents claiming that it is a problem to be addressed.However, the research, by Leicester based PTP Training and Marketing Ltd, also highlighted a significant lack of knowledge among managers regarding company […]

Managers Face ‘Knowledge Gap’ on Bullying


A UK-wide survey among managers has revealed that bullying is not seen as a key issue in today’s workplace – with only 17% of respondents claiming that it is a problem to be addressed.However, the research, by Leicester based PTP Training and Marketing Ltd, also highlighted a significant lack of knowledge among managers regarding company […]

Training Awards Open for Entries


Businesses proud of their training and staff development programmes are being invited to enter the 2005 National Training Awards. The awards, now in their 18th year, recognise and reward achievement in training, learning and personal development. They are open to any size of organisation, there are three levels of award, starting with stages in Wales, […]