Crediting Your Emotional Bank


One of the more surprising discoveries when we moved to France was that almost no-one here has a credit card. Many banks don’t even offer them, except in the form of a deferred debit card (where the full balance is cleared every month). It feels like the attitude to personal debt here is very different, […]

Personal development: how to stimulate better business thinking


Your people are talented, smart and have knowledge and expertise that you value – they are your experts in their fields. Unfortunately this can sometimes stop them from being innovative because, as an expert, you are expected to know the answers to any business questions that arise relating to your domain of skill and knowledge. […]

Call to Action for Conscious Professionals in 5 Qs


It is trite to say these remain peculiarly disruptive times, yet they do. Disruption in any system inspires change by shifting the energetic field of possibility and potential. So in today’s tumultuous world, we have a daily opportunity to reassess and refocus our activities. More profoundly we have a moment-to-moment opportunity to cultivate our thoughts […]

Positive Goal Setting


One thing I’ve been reflecting on this week is the nature of goals. A few weeks ago, I wrote about how recognising and celebrating ‘little wins’ can help us feel more positive and in control. On the back of this, I realised that our personal goals have an important role to play in ensuring we have those […]

Glühwein in the garden


As we toast the end of a challenging year, it’s an important time to reflect on how far we’ve come and re-examine our purpose and our values. We are managing. We are managing well. There are ups and downs. Bright days and less contented days. Alongside the drearier aspects of lockdown 2 and the iterations which […]

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