Why leaders should always own up to their mistakes

Owning up to our erroneous ways is not easy, but if leaders cannot muster the courage to share failures how can we expect others in the organisation to?
Who has cultural intelligence and who doesn’t?

Cultural Intelligence or Quotient (CQ) enhances connections, fosters mutual understanding and encourages good business, but who possesses this skill and how can you identify them?
Four principles of great career conversations

The new year’s ‘fresh start effect’ makes it the perfect time to engage in career conversations. Dr Helmut Schuster and Dr David Oxley, co authors of A Career Carol, offer four principles (plus four rules) to help you craft great growth-focused conversations with your people.
How the self-fulfilling prophecy can boost learning and development

Motivational techniques can boost confidence and skills. Discover how learners can use the self-fulfilling prophecy to their advantage.
You do you and I’ll do me: How to meet in the middle in a polarised world

How can colleagues come together when they have little in common? Joanne Lockwood urges us to overcome entrenched and polarised beliefs and bridge the divide.
Five deep listening skills to help navigate workplace conflict

The importance of strong listening skills when dealing with conflict is often overlooked and misunderstood. Help your learners become better listeners with these five deep listening skills.
Five ways managers can improve development conversations

Creating developmental opportunities helps meet the desire for growth and keeps people motivated.
Neuroscience at work: How to have more productive conversations

How neuroscience can help you have better conversations at work.
How to make your business more resilient

Is there a way to build your company’s adaptive capacity?
Become a change maker in fighting workplace discrimination

Ekua Cant and Dr Shungu Hilda M’gadzah explore the mismatch between personal and professional values and how aligning these can create safer workspace.
Three ways to boost the happiness of your learners (and why it’s important to)

Studies have shown that positive learners retain more information, so how can you start training on an upbeat note?
How L&D can support employees in the cost-of-living crisis

Fighting sky-rocket living costs is tough but here’s what L&D can do to help learners.
The red flags of a toxic culture: Lessons from the Post Office and other scandals

The recent Post Office scandal in the UK serves as a poignant illustration that when there are significant culture and leadership issues in the workplace, there will be countless red flags and opportunities that are missed, but the truth is invariably known to someone.
Three principles for organisational learning in 2024

L&D expert Nigel Paine shares his three fundamental beliefs on organisational learning in the hope it may help you articulate your own L&D principles to guide you through 2024 (and beyond).
Top ten New Year’s resolutions for managers

To start 2024 with purpose, Serenity in Leadership CEO Thom Dennis looks at the potential managerial pitfalls that need to be avoided in 2024…
Three ways to bring more happiness into your life

Bring some happiness to your life this winter with these tried and trusted tips from wellbeing expert Nicky Marshall.
What is dyslexic thinking and how can you encourage it in the workplace?

How can L&D support, encourage and celebrate dyslexic thinking in the workplace?
What is hyper-collaboration and why should we bother with it?

Organisations need to build an ecosystem mindset and teaming skills in the age of hyper-collaboration
Boosting workforce engagement

58% of companies have a designated non-executive director (NED) who is responsible for workforce engagement. That’s one of the findings of the Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) latest Annual Review of Corporate Governance Reporting which was released on 16th November 2023. Appointing a dedicated workforce NED is one of the ways in which organisations can signal […]
Dealing with the devil: The insidious nature of passive aggression

Is passive-aggressive behaviour the perfect office crime?