Are you underestimating your introverts?

Our world favours extroverts, says author Susan Cain. Cain suggests we are conditioned from a young age to see introvert characteristics such as a quietness as flawed or somehow inferior to extrovert characteristics like sociability. Cain goes as far as to say that schools and workplaces are designed for extroverts and that this bias creates […]
Building the global business case for language learning

Businesses operating across borders face challenges ranging from poor communication, having to redo work due to misinterpretation and errors, and lack of trust due to cultural misunderstandings. It is increasingly difficult to engage employees as operations go global and many organisations are looking to motivate employees and attract new recruits by offering training. The key […]
Should I recruit a sales person?

Hi, I’m wondering if any other training companies have “been there, tried it!” with this one? I’m wondering if I invest more time and money in a sales person (we’ve tried a couple so far, but without success: one kept sending out the wrong information and going home early, the next guy spent 5 months with […]
Learning in circles: The 4 stages of David Kolb

When we try to understand the process of learning and training, the name of one particular man and his model often emerges: David Kolb. In the ‘70s and ‘80s, educational theorists Kolb and colleague Ron Fry developed the Experiential Learning Model (ELM) which consists of four stages. To really learn something, one has to go through […]
Assumption is the enemy of true understanding

Communication: one of the single most important components not just in business but in life as well. Without communication there is no empathy, no shared ideas, and no opportunity for development. Without communication we are all just ciphers on a spreadsheet; separated by boxes with no chance of interaction; going nowhere. If communication is so […]
Ways to Develop Communication Skills at Work

What skills is a successful employee supposed to have? First of all, your boss expects you to be productive. They want you to do your job well, meet deadlines, and contribute towards the company’s growth. They invest in you as an employee, so they expect a return on that investment. You’re not expected to do […]
The five styles of human communication that consultants need to know

The well-known business adage, ‘people choose to do business with people they like’, should remind us all that whilst the consulting profession may be many things to many people, it is above all and hopefully, forever will be, a people business. It should come as no surprise then, that successful client outcomes are most often […]
Drawing the line for line managers in conflict management skills

It’s a perennial problem that most of us have either witnessed or even been a part of. You are good at your job and get promoted to a position where, very soon, you find that you are no longer doing ‘your job’. Instead, you are managing teams of people with little support or understanding on […]
6 Common Pitfalls in Global Training Roll Outs

Developing a training course or module which can be rolled out globally is often the preference of many international businesses and organisations. In many cases, internal logic and/or culture dictates that HQ is the heart of a company and from there it disseminates its culture and values to the rest of its limbs, (in this […]
Connected Learning: the new, socially-interactive approach to online training

Online elearning has been hugely successful in allowing training to be delivered cost-effectively to very large audiences. However, training that’s purely online often results in a reduced experience and quality of learning compared to interactive classroom training. By contrast, we have found that a new online approach – Connected Learning – can provide even greater […]
Health and Social Care Training

Scanned the site and browsed and browsed but failed to find anything relating specifically to health and social care training / trainers. I can’t be the only person on the entire site with an interest / subject area relating to health and social care? Surely to God there are others. If so please stand […]
Mentoring with a twist: encouraging employees to stay curious & creative

Most businesses today will have some form of training in place, whether this is formal, through a third-party provider, or through internal employee mentoring schemes. There’s currently a great focus on improving diversity in the workplace, especially for STEM jobs. It’s become the general consensus that having diverse teams and actively promoting an inclusive work […]
Employee onboarding: how to get new starters off on the right foot

The first six months in a new job can be a difficult time for both the employee and the hiring company. For the former, they want to know that they have made the right choice, are settling in and feel they have the support and tools to show what they can do and become a […]
The 5 Essential Functions of a great boss

Great business owners become great based on their actions. Intentions are meaningless. Words are important. Results are everything. But probably not the kinds of results you might have in mind. Consistently accomplish these five functions and you, your company — and most importantly your employees — all reap the benefits. Develop every employee. If your sole focus is […]
7 trends in training that impact your organization

I often talk to training agencies in the field of communication skills development as well as HR managers who involve such agencies. Lately, we can distinguish 7 trends, each with its own influence on both sides of the field. And on the trainee, of course. What are these trends in training? Hot topics: sales, coaching […]
How do you market your training courses?

As a training provider, what top tips would you recommend for marketing courses? Here’s our top social media marketing tips for training companies: As a training provider, what top tips would you recommend for marketing courses? Here’s our top social media marketing tips for training companies:
Conversation with a disruptive entrepreneur

I interviewed a successful entrepreneur from Copenhagen. Casper Ravn-Sorensen is really a great example of a true entrepreneur. For a long time, he has built up IT companies and internationalized them in several European countries. When you made up the first step towards angel investing in companies. How do you do that? There are a […]
“I am generally a satisfied and positive person, but I know that I need to keep a fine balance between improvement and complacency.”

We’re always curious to hear how our members and contributors tackle the challenges that the ever-changing world of L&D throws at them. We’ve got a wealth of experience and knowledge across the site, and what better way to showcase the diversity of our community than to get them to walk us through an average day? […]
4 Tips For Managing Your Remote Team Of Employees

Remote employment has never been more robust than it is today. More and more professionals desire telecommuting positions, and almost every industry imaginable is accommodating this change in workforce behavior to some degree. 30% of telecommuting employees in a report stated their remote position allowed them to complete more work in less time, and 24% […]
Laughable lines from learners in training sessions

I’ve been a trainer for the best part of 25 years. I’m STILL amazed by the lines some learners come out with in the training room, thinking me and my colleagues haven’t heard them before. Can you relate to any of these humdingers?! A delegate barges into the training room for the first time, […]