L&D in a crisis: Why we need to work on ‘self-talk’ to improve performance

It’s in dire times like these we need a solution-focused mindset. Without one, we will struggle to perform.
How to better support your flexible learners

Offering flexible learning experiences has never been more important. What steps can you take to ensure your learners are taking ownership of their development?
Why ‘micro-upskilling’ can introduce learning culture into your organisation

How L&D can help combat the rising talent shortages using micro-upskilling.
Eight lessons for becoming a smart, bold L&D professional

How can L&D learn from the disruptions to our working lives since the pandemic?
Why we need to redefine learning maturity for 2022

How does learning maturity stack up in a post-Covid world? Laura Overton shares insights.
Brush up on the new rules for knowledge sharing

It’s more crucial than ever before that organisations are able to capitalise on the knowledge they have in-house.
L&D uprooted: How to transition to best practice virtual and hybrid learning

How well is L&D transitioning to hybrid and virtual learning? New research reveals all…
Leadership: Why the world needs emotionally intelligent leaders now more than ever

Good leadership needs empathy, humility and vulnerability.
Obstacles, Obsessions & Enrichment 2021 in Review

This has been a bit of a confusing year to look back on as it has had so many chapters and quite a number of surprises. My partner Jack and I started the year in lockdown in Highbury Stadium and are ending it in relative freedom in a converted Church in Tufnell Park (more on […]
Five learning and development takeaways from 2021

Hybrid learning, new innovations, new terminology: it’s been a busy 12 months in L&D. Here are some top five takeaways
Four stages to embedding a self-determined learning culture

Could heutagogy be the learning method that will enable your workforce to thrive in the current crisis?
The anxious leader: why good leadership is about authenticity, not confidence

Authenticity trumps false confidence during these difficult times for leaders.
Hybrid Motivation

Last week, I wrote about the impact the pandemic has had on people’s attitudes towards work/life balance and the knock-on effects on recruitment and retention. There is, I believe, a strong link between the Great Resignation and something we’ve known for a long time about motivation and employee engagement; money lacks the power of intrinsic […]
The Great Resignation

Prior to the pandemic, it was easy to find excuses not to do things; it wasn’t the right time, it was risky, it was too big a step…. The pandemic challenged the very fabric of our comfort zones and therefore the validity of those excuses. If it hadn’t been for the pandemic, I wouldn’t now […]
10 statistics showing L&D has changed for good

As the world attempts to find a new norm, it’s become apparent for learning and development professionals that the changes the field saw over the course of the pandemic aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Here’s the quick run-down from research in 2021. 1. 70% of SMEs say they plan to train and develop existing employees to […]
Why the reinvention of L&D post Covid-19 must start with learning culture

The need to adopt a learning culture has never been greater.
How can learners practise soft skills in a virtual world?

L&D will have to change to meet the ‘new normal’ skills gap.
How will anxiety about the return to work impact learning and development?

Many employees are feeling anxious about returning to the physical workplace. How will this impact L&D?
Reboarding furloughed employees: how to do a return to work skills review

Why it’s important to do a return to work skills review.
Training after Covid-19: will we remain online?

Many of us are drawn to the world of training because of the opportunities it offers to interact with other people in a positive and rewarding way. Until recently, the majority of those interactions were always ‘face-to-face’. Yet with the arrival of Covid-19, the traditional classroom training format was rendered impossible, or even illegal, almost […]