Choosing the Right Inbound Marketing Platform

When you are starting a business you need to come up with a practical idea and execute it by creating a business plan and strategy. The business cannot succeed just because you are offering the best products and services. Every business needs to have a marketing strategy so that you can reach out to the […]
The Prevent Duty – are your staff well informed

In our teaching and training roles we naturally want to support our learners from feeling marginalised or excluded; whether academically, emotionally or socially. I think that part of the strategy to support all learners is by encouraging discussion in an open and non-judgmental way; yet sometimes this can be a very challenging thing to do […]
5 Ways to Improve Learner Retention

Decreasing the rate at which we forget is a function of a number of aspects of learning – be that eLearning, mobile learning or classroom based learning. When considering how to devise learning that maximises retention you should consider the following points: 1. Design learning that is pertinent Be driven in course design by what a […]
How To Develop A Responsive eCourse

We love our devices. Especially those that can go with us. They let us read the latest news, conduct research, make purchases, give us directions, and allow us to connect with our friends. In fact, according to a Gartner study, by 2018, over 50% of Internet use will occur on mobile devices, rather than laptops […]
How are games rewiring our brains and shaping behaviours of the future?

When I hear the word ‘gamification’, a part of me dies inside. Gamification can often sound like a buzzword, but I never heard or used the word once throughout the 8 years that I worked in mobile games. Our aim was just to create great gaming experiences that were completely player-focused – simple! Having come […]
Using Interactivity to Take Your eLearning Course

There’s no denying that eLearning is making its way into every industry and field. Aside from the fact that eLearning offers learners effective training options like mobile accessibility and immediate feedback, eLearning is becoming more and more cost effective and consistent. It’s really no wonder that everyone wants to make eLearning a part of their […]
9 Tips For Hosting Webinars For Remote Employees

Training has been fully disrupted. The days of piling people into rooms with a presenter at the “head of the class” are fast disappearing. There are a few reasons for this: Technology allows training through a lot of delivery modes The growth of remote workforces has grown exponentially. In the U.S. alone, one in five […]
“We are bound to see more industries undergoing digital transformation.”

This is an interview with Gori Yahaya, founder of training and education consultancy UpSkill Digital. He has over 10 years of experience consulting and training thousands of SMEs, charities, and business owners across the UK on how to boost their digital skills and harness the power of the internet and tools effectively to drive growth […]
Training online communication: 4 methods

Nowadays, everything can be done online. Even training! With the use of online instruction, you can train your physical fitness or do memory games, for instance. The same goes for the training of communication skills. Study material is always available in an online environment and you can get started wherever you want. Managers will be […]
The BIG E-Learning Trends for 2017

It’s that time of the year once more. Time to take load of the year that was and investigate the precious stone ball to figure out what lies ahead. We’ve written about eLearning trends in the past also – here’s what we wrote in 2010. Some of the predictions we made path in those days […]
Personalising content for learners

We live in an age of information overload and there’s an immense amount of digital content available at our fingertips. How can we use the available technologies to recommend, select and present good quality, relevant content that a learner needs at any particular point in time? One of the most important things with any form […]
3 design thinking examples in soft skills training

When developing a training program in which you want to teach your employees a lot of new information within a short timeframe, there is a danger of ‘overwhelming’ your employees. The ‘overwhelmed employee’ is a concept well-known within HR. Employees that have been faced with too much new learning material to process will not be […]
New Personalized Approach of eLearning Trends

Every marketer knows that customers want to feel special using services and buying products. That is why we often see such ads as “exclusive deal” or “limited edition”. Online business follows the same logic. eLearning becomes more and more popular due to the variety of options it offers to users. Everyone can now choose what […]
The digital learner: a new breed of learner in the digital age

We have plunged into the digital age. There are many of us who would have preferred to dip a toe in first; however, with the pace of technological advancement, change no longer happens gradually. These days there is only one speed of change… breakneck! And the only way to keep pace is to become an […]
Opening a bank account in the UK for non resident

If an individual, who is a foreign national, moves to the UK and wants to set up a business in the UK, one of the foremost thing needed to carry out business activities is a dedicated business bank account (others being business registration number; VAT number etc.). However, as most of the banks are making […]
“It is critical that compliance training innovates to engage participants.”

Kate Lander recently joined Eukleia Training – a Governance, Risk Management and Compliance training specialist – in the newly appointed role of Chief Strategy Officer. Her unique combination of financial, training and digital expertise will be crucial for providing innovative solutions in a rapidly evolving environment. Becky Norman, Deputy Editor, HRZone: What is the purpose […]
Small Business Training – What You Need To Know

Starting a new business can be a very daunting process, especially when getting a team of staff behind you. There are a lot of things you need to consider when getting your business off the ground, but this article should provide some guidance in making sure your start-up is up to scratch. Market Research One […]
Training Managers to Drive Results

More often than not, business leaders looking to invest in training solutions for their company are hoping that the training will pay off in the form of measurable results. Or, from another perspective, that the employee onboarding can give their employees the tools, skills, motivation, and confidence to drive these results. And so, many training […]
Crafting a High-Converting Sales Page for eCourses

Retailers learned eons ago that attracting customers into their stores was a matter of having attractive and exciting display windows. The idea was to get shoppers to stop, admire the items in the windows, and then enter the store to see what more it had. And so it should be with the sales page for […]
Tricks to Create Interactive Training Content

In this Internet age that we live in, digital technologies are taking control over everything. Everyone is online today. Individuals and organizations perform various actions on the web using various apps, tools, software solutions, and so on. Digital technologies have gone so far that eLearning is slowly taking over traditional learning methods. Today, there is […]