Tips For Creating and Marketing Your First eCourse

Fact: eLearning is hot. According to Forbes, in the end of 2014, it already was a $57 billion-dollar business, but by the end of 2016, it had grown to $200 billion. What makes e-learning so hot? Many reasons: Whether a consumer is a student or a large corporation looking for training and development programs, e-learning […]
Align sales training with your business strategy

Your business’s strategy, goals, and needs are what makes you unique in your field; they provide a foundation for each department, product, and employee to grow upon. It might seem obvious that training should align with the roots of your business. But how do you actually plant the seed that allows for employee development? Training […]
Maximizing Employee Learning Opportunities

Investing in your employees’ professional development is an excellent way to keep your staff engaged. From your organization’s standpoint, investing in professional development also ensures that employees remain valuable to your organization. But how do you make the most out of employee learning opportunities? Here are a few tips for finding the right learning opportunities […]
Next Generation Professional Training: What’s On

ELearning creators have been working hard to ensure that the training they design and deliver meets the unique needs of Millennials. However, if they take a step back, they may notice something quite important. The youngest millennials are graduating from college. The oldest are now thinking about what they should do to celebrate their 40th […]
Connected Learning: the new, socially-interactive approach to online training

Online elearning has been hugely successful in allowing training to be delivered cost-effectively to very large audiences. However, training that’s purely online often results in a reduced experience and quality of learning compared to interactive classroom training. By contrast, we have found that a new online approach – Connected Learning – can provide even greater […]

What re the best off-the-shelf elearning providers in the UK with a variety of content? Why do you think this? What re the best off-the-shelf elearning providers in the UK with a variety of content? Why do you think this?
10 Lessons for Creating Effective Microlearning

The recent Learning Technology Research (LTR) Project focused on how we can best harness mobile technology to improve the training and support we give our people. Advances in the capabilities of the delivery and tracking platforms, added to the availability of mobile devices, mean that we need new ways to think about training. Microlearning, using small bite-sized […]
Blended Trainers, You are Cannibals

All over the world people are worrying about the impact that technology will have on employment and existing industries in general. Self-driving cars, robots taking over the production chain, machines taking over manual chores, e-commerce… need I go on? Within each sector, the training world included, technology is disrupting businesses and replacing the workforce at […]
How To Name Your Business

Many business owners don’t realize just how important the name of their company is. Choosing the right name can make or break the company right from the start. A company that has a great name is more likely to attract more customers and drive more sales. In an ideal world, the perfect company name is […]
Using big data to improve course design

“Big data” is a term that’s made its way into the business world vernacular over the last few years, and it won’t be going away anytime soon. In fact, an understanding of what big data is and how to use it in your business is more relevant than it’s ever been. This understanding is even […]
5 Reasons Why 3D Learning Is The Next Big Thing

In this article, PulseLearning explores the possibilities of 3D learning and the opportunities it can bring to the corporate training landscape. WHY 3D LEARNING COULD BE THE NEXT BIG THING 3D learning is an exciting, developing area of the eLearning industry. With the technology reaching maturity, it’s easy to see that it won’t be long before […]
Increase The Completion Rates of Your Ecourse

MOOCs (Massive Online Open Courses) are extremely popular. People use these to learn about a variety of subjects and connect with a variety of learning resources. This includes ivy league schools and world class speakers and instructors. In spite of this popularity, the completion rate of these courses is less than 10%. Now, many MOOCs […]
“Creating a learning culture isn’t just a matter of buying an LMS, producing eLearning units and crossing your fingers.”

Juliette Denny is MD of Growth Engineering, who are focused on improving online learning engagement through social learning, gamification and learning personalisation. Founded in 2004, the company won the Learning Provider of the Year award in 2016. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: What do you think are the crucial elements of not only creating but embedding […]
Video: perfect for learning & training! Here’s why

30,287 YouTube subscribers: it might not be a lot compared to PewDiePie’s 54 million, but it’s quite the amount for a Dutch physics teacher. We know from practice that videos work great in education. But not just that: research confirms that video combines really well with learning and training. Why is video learning so effective? […]
A language training solution checklist

Once a training need has been identified, the pressure is on to implement a programme that will plug the skills gap, help the business achieve its objectives and deliver within budget. There are many options out there including face to face training, remote study, electronic (e-) learning and a hybrid combination of these methods. Training […]
9 Tips To Make eLearning Courses User-Friendly

There are big benefits to eLearning training coursework. The course is designed one time, it is loaded into your system, and there it rather permanently resides, to be accessed and completed as there is an individual or small group need. This is perhaps the biggest benefit of an eLearning training course. No more need to […]
How AI will improve corporate learning

“Let me know if you have any questions,” is a phrase new employees commonly hear from mentors during the employee onboarding process, but new hire’s questions can be expensive. Managers’ time spent helping new employees learn procedures and basic company routines is time not spent on value-driven projects. For many, the ideal way to learn […]
Promoting Your eLearning Course To Target Audience

Coca-Cola is easily the most recognized soft drink brand on the planet. So, with this type of brand fame, will the company stop advertising? Not on your life. The point is this: Even the huge brands understand that marketing must continue, because consumers always have choices. And here you are just trying to get staff […]
Adopting disruptive technology in eLearning

What is Disruptive Technology? Look at a typical college classroom today and you’ll see a lot of laptops. Students use them to take notes, access course materials, and compare sources. Of course, they also use them to browse Facebook and shop online. The technology has obvious advantages, but it also shifts attention away from the […]
Selling eLearning Modules

Hello again All. I seem to find myself here a lot recently. But you guys are so helpful! I’ve been looking into the possibility of selling some eLearning modules to create some extra revenue. If i’ve used an “off the shelf” authoring tool, will I end up breaking any copyright laws etc? Does anyone have any […]