6 Major Advantages Of Custom eLearning For Corporate Training

Providing your employees with effective eLearning is a lot like shopping for clothing; a one-size-fits-all approach does not usually cut it. While pre-built, off-the-shelf products can be initially cheaper to purchase, they might not result in the greatest ROI or offer the best fit for the specific skills and knowledge required by your organization. Here […]
Is the Microlearning solution the new black?

The Microlearning solution breaks down the traditional long training or learning curriculum into easily consumable pieces of information by breaking it up. It takes a course or a module and deconstructs it to form building blocks of information that can be personalized according to the needs of the learner. Rise of the Microlearning solution Consuming […]
How we did it: Social media training at the Citizens Advice network

Love it? Hate it? Scared by it? Whatever your feelings, social media has become an integral part of the way society communicates. Social media has now reached the masses, so at Citizens Advice we recognised the need to get involved and broadcast our message using these channels, to ensure our voice is also heard. Unknown to most people, the Citizens […]
Three Signs Your Training Strategy Isn’t Supporting Modern Learners

Organizational training is probably as old as organizations. It’s not hard to imagine a merchant in ancient Mesopotamia assembling two or three apprentices to teach them how to successfully trade cloth. But just as today’s organizations have evolved a long way from the cloth merchants of 2000 BC, so too has training evolved – and […]
Shopping for learning systems – shifting from ‘one stop shop’ to best of breed

Big enterprise systems have had their day. Instead of plumping for the 'one stop shop' option – giant enterprise systems that do everything bar park your car and feed the cat – increasing numbers of organisations are electing to have an ecosystem of individual, specialist tools that complement each other through APIs (application programme interfaces). What has […]
4 Ways to Engage Managers in eLearning

Managers play a crucial role in the professional wellbeing of an organisation. Consider this: managers interact with frontline employees on a daily basis and it’s these employees who are last to touch your product before it reaches your customers, or deliver your service. This highlights the importance of regularly training the leaders in your organisation […]
Elearning isn’t as good as face-to-face – it’s better

In times of change, people cling to the past. Take the UK’s Victorian education system, for example. By and large, learning today is still carried out the way it always was – an authority figure at the front of a room, delivering a monologue to students, with time for Q&A if you’re lucky. That is […]
9 Ways of Creating an Effective Online Training Strategy for Your Employees

Creating an effective online training strategy for the employees is an integral part of any organization’s responsibilities, irrespective of its size and strength. How to Create an Effective Online Training Strategy for Your Employees? It has often been noticed that even the corporate learning strategies that have been planned with utmost care and consideration fall […]
Top 5 Myths about Onboarding Millennials

Onboarding employees is a critical first step to ensuring your company’s success. This can help your new hires learn how to navigate the landscape of your organization, build relationships and find out where and how to access resources as they get started. As older generations begin retiring, it’s also important to recognize the new breed […]
The Right Fit: Custom Training vs Off-the-Shelf

Millions of Americans (me included) love a good burger from In-N-Out. You don’t have a lot of options, even with the secret menu, but it’s fast and convenient. They only make burgers a few ways, so you are in and out in no time. But other times, when I’m craving something special, I’ll go to […]
The five elements of a modern training ecosystem

The 21st century has changed a lot in the modern human’s brain. Our increasing digital dependence is joined by a shorter attention span and distractions from all sides. Conventional training lacks the answer to these challenges. A modern training ecosystem requires five elements. Only 15% of newly acquired skills are successfully implemented. No wonder three […]
Digital: Don’t let the elephant create a dinosaur

Does digital mean the end of the classroom? No – but evolution is vital… It’s the elephant in the classroom for many training companies. As enthusiasm grows for e-learning and virtual teaching methods, so does concern about roles in Learning & Development, profits and the need to evolve and diversify the business model. According to […]
7 things to consider before purchasing an eLearning course

The exponential growth in the uptake of eLearning has revolutionised the training industry, with multiple providers shouting proposed benefits from the rooftops; greater flexibility, improved learner experience and superior cost-efficiencies chief among them. However, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution, and there are many factors to consider before deciding whether e-Learning is the right choice for […]
Social Learning Infographic: What does effective learning look like for the 21st century workplace?

In an era of change – in how we live, learn and work – organisations have to adapt and evolve the way they help their staff develop. But what does effective learning and development look like today? Well, we believe that it’s social. Social learning might not be a new concept but the use of technology […]
How to maximize your compliance training impact

The reality of compliance training for most organizations goes something like this: Legal responsibilities and regulatory requirements continue to increase, budgets shrink, and seat time pressures rise — not quite the formula for a winning training solution. 53% of decision makers in organizations list having limited training hours available as one of their top two […]
Coffee briefing: Empowerment, accountability and developing “machine intelligence”

We've spent the past week consuming as many blogs, thought pieces and newletters as we can to bring you some of the more interesting articles out there. Here is this week's pick of L&D news & opinion – let us know what you think in the comments below, or tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week! […]
Using techniques from the gaming industry to motivate learners

The gaming industry is phenomenally good at user engagement. Games have a way of drawing players in and keeping them hooked. The training industry would be wise to take note and learn from this. By incorporating motivational techniques used in video games into training programmes, higher levels of learner engagement can be achieved. This use […]
Top eLearning Trends For 2016 You Need To Be Aware Of

We now have a firm footing into the 21st century. Although we’re not quite at the Johnny Five stage yet (the robot demonstrated the ability to scan and instantly assimilate information in the 1986 movie, Short Circuit), technology is starting to revolutionize the learning landscape. Here are our four hottest eLearning trends for 2016. 1. Automation […]
6 best approaches to elearning and etraining

Online solutions are being used more often in corporate learning, which results in the e-learning and e-training market developing constantly. This is not strange: managers are under pressure to cut costs and time, while globalisation and growing diversity drive new training challenges. In certain of these business environments, the advantages of online training are optimal. Roland Berger’s strategy […]
A day in the life of: David James, learning strategist at Looop

We're always curious to hear how our members and contributors tackle the challenges that the ever-changing world of L&D throws at them. We've got a wealth of experience and knowledge across the site, and what better way to showcase the diversity of our community than to get them to walk us through an average day? Want […]