Continuing Professional Development Benefits Employers and Employees

Continuing professional development (CPD) provides a structured approach to workplace training and development. For many professionals, some form of CPD is required to keep skills and knowledge up to date. With limited time both inside and outside the workplace, and with HR and Learning and Development (L&D) budgets under constant pressure, workplace training that meets […]
5 Big Questions to Ask Before Taking your eLearning Mobile

In 2014, 20 percent of the world’s population owned a tablet device, with a growth rate of 30 percent from 2013. Desktop computers and laptops are predicted to lose popularity from 2016 onward as tablet sales soar, according to a forecast for global shipments of tablets, laptops and desktop PCs from 2010 to 2019. […]
The way mobile training enhances the learning effect

Online training has made it possible for people to improve their communication skills wherever and whenever for a few years now. But within online training, a new development brings even more independency: mobile training. Statistics show that training happens more and more continuously. This enhances the effect. Tuesday training day Our clients’ employees practice their […]
Upskilling In Corporate eLearning: What eLearning Professionals Need To Know

Skills are one of the most valuable assets in the modern workplace. They cannot only make an organization more profitable and productive, but also lead to greater advancement opportunities for employees. In this article, I’ll share what eLearning professionals need to know about upskilling in corporate eLearning. 6 Strategies To Promote Upskilling In Corporate eLearning […]
3 Key Steps To Help Gain Competitive Advantage Through Employee Development

In this article, PulseLearning explores 3 steps to help you create effective training that will improve employee development and help your company increase its profit margins. Let’s face it: Globalization is making business a tougher game. Most companies are now competing in a global market rather than a local or national market; software can be competitively […]
Skills required for in-house content authoring

In-House Content Authoring is regularly cited as one of the big eLearning trends to keep an eye on. So it comes as no surprise that organisations are increasingly developing custom eLearning materials in-house. This trend has been spurred on by organisations attempting to reduce training costs and saving time in roll out training courses. Given the […]
The brain hack boosting apprenticeship learning

With all the good news stories from National Apprenticeship Week and the Chancellor’s Budget announcement of a 10 per cent top-up for employers in England to spend on apprenticeships, the outlook for this form of learning remains positive. Popular since the Middle Ages for their blend of on-the-job training and study, apprenticeships still offer a […]
When will people learn? – The dangers of untrained staff

According to the Office for National Statistics, UK productivity is lagging behind every G7 advanced economy bar one last year. It estimates that output per hour and output per worker were both 20% lower than the average achieved by the US, Germany France, Italy and Canada. This marks the widest productivity gap since figures began […]
Learning Futures: with Pat Cannon

Kallidus's Pat Cannon discusses elearning best practice for mobile in our latest chapter of the Learning Futures series. Like our Learning Futures series? Check out some other instalments: Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice, London Business School Rob Caul, CEO, Kallidus Kim Morgan, Founder, Barefoot Coaching There's more about Kallidus here Kallidus's Pat Cannon discusses […]
If we can dream it, we can build it: the future of learning technology

Our blog this week is about the future of learning technology. We feel that some versions of the LMS have not supported us well and that we need to demand more from our learning technology providers. We'd love to hear from others who feel the same or have other insights. The full blog post […]
Learning Futures: with Toby White

Continuing our Learning Futures series, today we talk to Toby White from Kallidus about immersive learning environments. Insights include: What's the biggest cause of the failure of elearning? The difference between 'good' and 'bad' elearning content How you can create better-quality elearning content in house If you have any thoughts on Toby's comments or want to […]
3 Advantages And Disadvantages Of Rapid eLearning

In the realm of rapid eLearning, slow and steady doesn’t win the race. Rapid eLearning describes courses that can be designed and implemented quickly using a much faster, condensed development cycle than traditional design processes. Although rapid eLearning boasts benefits that can make it appear initially attractive, there is still speculation about the real value […]
Content provider for LMS….help and ideas needed

Hi, We are currently in the process (early stages) of finding an LMS provider and content providers alongside it to provide training modules for my company. We have over 1000+ staff who will have access to the LMS and content will vary from off-the-shelf (finance, health and safety, etc…) to fully customised learning using content […]
Why Mobile Learning Will Transform Your Workplace

Question: What do pre-packed gourmet pasta sauces and mobile learning have in common? Answer: Both are fast and easy to access and provide a consistent experience from anywhere. 5 Reasons Mobile Learning Will Transform Your Workplace Mobile learning is shaping up to be one of those innovations set to make life easier in today’s fast-paced […]
Is eLearning right for your blended programme?

Blended Learning is the latest puzzle facing L&D professionals. My colleague at Bray Leino Learning, Stephanie Morgan examined this recently in her blog, As Stephanie said, for some it seems simple enough – take a training course and stick a piece of eLearning before it (as prior learning), after it (as a refresher or test of learning) […]
Engaging with engagement

Search employee engagement on the internet and the chances are that amidst all the ‘what is employee engagement’ and ‘top tips for employee engagement’ articles there will be a fair few which are packed with doom and gloom. Quoting various surveys, these articles will pronounce that employee engagement isn’t working or that it is so […]
The role and effectiveness of digital learning in L&D strategy

In October 2015, Ashridge Executive Education surveyed 122 people in the HR and L&D community to explore what their current thoughts are on the role of e-learning in L&D strategy and their thoughts on the effectiveness of learning within their respective organisation. 70% of the respondents were from the private sector, while 21% were from […]
Microlearning: The elearning trend for 2016

There is a huge difference between passively watching a professor's one hour online lecture and watching 12 short, five-minute videos spaced over a period of a week. This second mode of learning is the newly dubbed 'Microlearning'. Microlearning is an emerging popular learning format designed to be short and to the point. Microlearning doesn’t rely […]
4 Reasons Why Your Organization Needs A Learning Culture

You’ve heard the saying “Never stop learning”. Today, this adage is particularly meaningful as our technological, political, and business environments rapidly change and evolve, meaning we are now conducting our work in new ways. But does your organization have a learning culture? To keep abreast of these changes and ensure your business is flexible and […]
How To Engage With Millennials

As a millennial myself I had a pretty bad reputation to overcome even before I’ve entered the workforce. Some bashed us for being too lazy. Others call us the generation of narcissists with toddler attention span, spending our entire days on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Yet, at the same time most of us are persistent, […]