Computational thinking: a key skill in the 21st century

In a world increasingly dominated by automation we need to equip employees with skills that complement computer technology and learn to work in partnership with robots. In the decade since computational thinking (CT) was first formulated by then Carnegie-Mellon Professor Jeannette Wing, it has been emerging as a really powerful universal problem solving technique, in particular for helping us all to […]
Agile development training tips to follow in 2019

Over the years, the concept of data has been altering, indeed it has become a dynamic movie and companies are continuously bringing up new methods of implementation to introduce new things. The usage of self-service analytics is increasing rapidly and the IoT and Cloud have been emerging up with the generation of data. Technologies are […]
Selecting a Micro Learning provider

I'm presently reviewing micro (bitesize) learning providers for my organisation, I'm looking for a company that has off the shelf ready-made material, rather than one that wants to convert my companies content. Core focus would be on personal effectiveness, management, leadership skills, but anything for IT professional would be great. It would be great to hear […]
E-learning help

Hi – Does anyone have any experience in sourcing an e-learning company who can design and host some short e-learning modules? We don't have our own internal LMS or platform that could host therefore would need an external platform that we could ask users to log in to. Regarding the design, we can provide the […]
How to Reduce your Risk of Cyber Security Breaches

Since 1990 when we were introduced to the World Wide Web the internet has impacted almost every aspect of our lives, and the way we do business. The biggest impact has been the change to the way, and speed, that we communicate with others and the amount of information we share. Email, instant messaging, voice […]
THE FIVE HOUR RULE – successful people read

Tom Corley, whose list of best-selling books includes ‘Rich Habits’, ‘Change your Habits, Change your Life; and ‘Rich Habits, Poor Habits’, spent five years studying self-made millionaires. What he found is that success couldn’t be attributed to a good start in life, loving support from family and friends or even hard work. Of course, all […]
E-learning: how to develop emotional intelligence skills

Training people in emotional intelligence online can be a highly successful way to develop individuals, but it needs to be supported offline to reap the greatest benefits. With budgets for training and development being continually cut, it is important that any training intervention can be shown to add value to an organisation or to contribute […]
Top 7 Perfect Content Marketing Strategies in 2019

Content is fundamental to sustain in online space. Despite the huge growth in internet marketing, the onslaught of various brands, huge use of graphics, etc. content still rules the game. There is no alternative to sound content. But, despite the strength and pull of the content, a wrong marketing strategy can make the things fall […]
New year resolutions for L&D teams

In order to maintain a competitive edge in 2019 and beyond, companies need to invest in staff training to retain talent, but they also must prepare for the challenges of Industry 4.0. With a new year comes new challenges and opportunities. For corporate L&D teams, the year ahead is set to be both an exciting and challenging one […]
The importance of cultivating soft skills

The rise of artificial intelligence and its widespread applications have made soft skills such as creativity and emotional intelligence more important than ever. But companies need to personalise training to empower this 21st century workforce. Author of Sapiens and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century Yuval Harari warns us that the kinds of skills we need as […]
How to Create Reverberative E-course Content

Striking the right chord with a new group of learners is never easy. Everyone has different backgrounds, qualifications and preferences when it comes to the optimal ways of learning. Course creators, however, face an interesting challenge here: they need to learn how to “speak” to all those different types of learners. Arguably, the most effective […]
10 Top Tips for Purchasing Online Learning

Online learning has many benefits for individuals and employers with most people quoting flexibility and cost effectiveness as the main ones. These are definitely great benefits, however positive outcomes of the training for the individual and employer are what really matters. Not only do online courses offer learning any time and anywhere, good quality online […]
Metrics For Assessing The Success of Your E-Course

Do your courses really contribute to a better workforce? It’s a tricky question for sure, especially if you are mostly paying attention to one metric: course completion rates. It’s an easy one to track, but the problem is that completion does not equal effectiveness. Even if 99% of learners finish a course, you have little […]
Forecasting effort: collecting facts about learning’s impact

In a three-part series, L&D data detective Kevin M. Yates explores how to collect facts, evidence and data for learning’s impact on employee performance and organisational goals. Part two looks at how to assess the amount of effort required for obtaining evidence on the impact of any given learning solution. Collecting facts for the impact […]
E-learning/Online learning for MS Office 2016

Hi, I’m looking for an online learning supplier for our employees to use to fill any skills gaps they may have in using MS Office 2016 including Teams. Has anyone got an experience of using any particular supplier succesfully? Would ideally include some level of testing so that our people can identify where the gaps […]
Can Corporate E-Learning be Engaging?

There is no question that British companies are currently at the crossroads of uncertainty. On one hand, the United Kingdom still has not determined what will happen once Brexit moves from the negotiation phase to a transition stage; on the other hand, reports from the London School of Economics predict that the ongoing skills gap […]
Learn How to Avoid the Mistakes New Managers Make

Going up against a position of authority inside your organization for the first time can be both energizing and challenging, offering a significant chance to create administrative and authoritative abilities and go up against greater responsibility for driving business results. Unfortunately, it tends to be anything but difficult to fall into examples of poor authority […]
Learning technology: why aren’t young workers engaged by online learning?

Employers assumed that millennials would be the first to embrace online learning, but this isn’t always the case. Here’s why they’re getting it wrong… It’s often assumed that young people will gravitate towards online learning. However, a study from the CIPD, which examines the challenges of developing 16-24-year-olds in the workplace, reveals that online training […]
Seeking business ‘coach’ for training company

I run a small training company and am keen to grow it. I’m looking for someone with experience of developing businesses in the area of training who could offer some consultancy hours to help me develop a strategy, aimed at getting the business out of its current ‘rut’. The product (training) side of things is fine, but I’m struggling […]
eLearning Marketplace – British Chamber Finalist

eLearning Marketplace – goes forward to National Finals in the British Chamber Business Awards having won the Southern Region in the Best Use of Technology category. Recognising and rewarding excellence in British business, the Chamber Business Awards are one of the UK’s most contested and prestigious business awards. Managing Director, Carolyn Lewis, said “the team […]