Training can solve the ‘talent crunch’

Hiring and retaining talent has always been near the top of the business agenda. But with UK unemployment at a 43-year low and an ever-increasing skills shortage, employers are beginning to feel the effects on their bottom line. Sectors including technology, engineering, manufacturing and construction are all feeling the pinch. But competition for talent is […]
Effective Gamification in the Workplace

Firstly, what is gamification? According to the dictionary it is described as: Gamificationɡeɪmɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/noun “The application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to other areas of activity, typically as an online marketing technique to encourage engagement with a product or service” Gamification isn’t a new concept in […]
eLearning in Business Application Training

Business Application Training is one of the very important corporate training programs in organizations. It helps organizations to improve their business efficiency by enhancing individual workforce skills. Business Application Training is a wider concept which includes every learning need that has influence on organizational brand and future business prospects. In this blog, I will be […]
Simulation-based training: get the lowdown

The evolving nature of how we work, in combination with organisational environments which require flexible and innovative training solutions, means that we’re always on the lookout for new techniques and technologies that can be utilised to create the perfect learning environment. One such way is through simulations. What is simulation-based training? Simulation-based training utilises a […]
Section 508 and WCAG – Compliances in eLearning

Have you ever imagined how a person with disability would access your eLearning course? May be you haven’t given a thought of designing eLearning in that perspective. But eLearning accessibility has been the industry hot topic now. And an eLearning course should be designed such that it works for everyone across the organization so that […]
How to Choose the Right Graphics for eLearning?

Why Use Graphics in eLearning?Well, as the saying goes the picture is worth a thousand words, choosing the relevant graphic/visual in eLearning matters. Choosing is not enough, you have to execute it properly to reinforce learner’s understanding and ensure its learning value. Many studies suggest that well-designed graphics in the learning process: Minimize the cognitive […]
How to Decide What Content to Use in The eCourse

One of the more enjoyable aspects of creating an eCourse is creating and collecting great content. It’s exciting to create something that you know will engage your audience and drive home an important concept. When you stumble across a video or great infographic that is ideal for a course you’re developing, that’s always a good […]
Lectora 17 Inspire for Responsive eLearning

Trivantis is one of the long-established brands in eLearning Industry. Lectora Desktop 17, popularly known as Lectora 17 Inspire is the latest version of Lectora from Trivantis. Lectora 17 Inspire, a powerful desktop course authoring application, provides every feature required to develop custom eLearning solutions. Lectora 17 Inspire is incorporated with Responsive Course Design approach – […]
Why video is your saving grace in 2018

As early as 1982, Shepard and Cooper made the connection linking visual cues to the memory process and the recall of new knowledge. Later, in 2006, Allam observed that the use of moving images and sound made communicating a topic engaging and insightful. This was confirmed by the boom of video over the past decade. […]
Building a SADEL organisation: the individual learner

Building a Self-Directed, Agile, Digital, Exponential, Learning (SADEL) organisation is critical to survival in a digital world. In part 3 of a 5-part series, organisational behaviourist and learning strategist Kerryn Kohl takes an in-depth look at the framework required to build this type of organisation. In part 2 of this 5-part series, I outlined the model […]
Infographic: Microtraining & How To Do It

50 Activities To Use When Implementing 70-20-10

We all know what the 10% can consist of when it comes to the 70-20-10 model. That’s really easy. It’s courses, workshops, microlearning sessions etc – the formal learning bit. But where you might feel a little limited is in the 70-20 stages. Just what activities can you include in those apart from coaching and […]
Random numbers in Articulate Storyline 3

Articulate Storyline 3 is one of the highly recommended authoring tool in e-learning industry. Using this tool we can create customized engaging and interactive multi-device elearning solutions. The flexibility to use JavaScript in Articulate Storyline 3 opens new door to customize things beyond the limits. We came across a customization requirement from our client in […]
3 Tips To Chart Your Continuing Education Path

When it comes to leadership and managerial roles, continuing education is the name of the game. This is something that 70% of professionals in leadership roles recognize since it gives them an edge and allows them to be good stewards of their companies. If you’re trying to sharpen your leadership skills and impart great value […]
Typing Animation in Articulate Storyline 360

Articulate Storyline 360 is one of the most powerful tool to create interactive, engaging and mobile friendly eLearning courses. Articulate Storyline 360 is the latest version equipped with lots of new features. Still there are few activities which do not come as default and need customization. One of them is Typing Animation. In Articulate Storyline, […]
Why Elucidat is the Simplest CloudBased elearning

Elucidat, the cloud-based eLearning authoring tool, simplifies rapid eLearning development while delivering HTML5 multi-device / responsive eLearning courses. In this blog, we will see what makes Elucidat the simplest cloud-based eLearning authoring tool for developing online training. Emerging learning technologies are changing the way we create and deliver digital learning to improve workplace training. Modern […]
Chatbot is changing the user experience for better

Mobile applications have been increasing for the last few years, and their power has advanced in ways the common man couldn’t have imagined. I have written and put topic about how chatbot changing user experience for the better: I did like to hear if you have any feedback and tips or suggestions to make it better? […]
Dynamic Graphic User Interface GUI in Articulate 2

Theme-based Graphic User Interface with Articulate Storyline 2 can really make an Impact!As eLearning designers and developers, we need to provide a smooth interactive experience to our audiences. A user-friendly interface is a crucial part in designing intuitive learning experience. User interface can have an impact on learner’s cognizance of whole learning event. So, the […]
Is Video-Based content the Future of Elearning?

Video-Based eLearning, the widely accepted eLearning trend, is gaining momentum like never before. Now what makes it trendy is, its shorter, crispier and engaging nature – changing the way how people learn. Video-Based eLearning, if designed correctly, based on instructional design principles, could be the most engaging way to hold learner’s attention. Gamification, Scenario-based eLearning […]
Measuring the effectiveness of learning programmes

Whilst some organisations are good at measuring reactions, and skills and knowledge transfer of their learning programmes, it’s often difficult for them to go beyond this to measure performance-based results. So, how can we better measure the effectiveness of our organisation’s learning activities? There are two essential points to consider: 1. Knowing your users learning experiences. As […]