Four simple ways to engage an online community

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Are you creating an online L&D community in your business? Rebecca Faulkner outlines four quick tips to hit the ground running.  Creating a buzz around your brand has to happen from the inside out. Gone are the days where it was enough to create a kick-ass product, sit back and watch it sell like hot […]

A new plugin for Moodle: Shaping the future of learning?


A world-first Moodle plugin, being created by Jerrett Fowler at the Charity Learning Consortium, is causing excitement. So what exactly is it? And what does it mean for L&D professionals? So what is this hotly anticipated new Moodle plugin? What does it do? Put simply, we’re enabling Moodle to export information about learners’ behaviour into […]

The truth doesn’t have to hurt


Gary Cattermole believes the workplace is somewhere where honesty really is the very best policy. Here he explains why it’s key to achieving effective employee engagement. When it comes to our professional development, there is no tangible value to be had from surrounding yourself with people who tell you what you want to hear about […]

What will learning look like in the future? pt2


Duncan Brown and James Cory-Wright finish their two-parter predicting the future of learning. When smartphones and tablets become one  The use of apps to deliver the training of the future suggests that as well as overcoming possible cost barriers, old attitudes and connectivity issues, objections around screen size will also go away.  There is a […]

Storytelling: Beyond the buzzword pt2


Fiona Quigley concludes her piece on why telling stories is such an effective part of corporate learning strategy. Why do people engage with a story? Storytelling is essentially about making meaning. As we listen to or read others’ stories, we integrate our own experience by trying to connect the stories to something we already know. […]

What will learning look like in the future?


It may be in a constant state of change, but Duncan Brown and James Cory-Wright’s comprehensive two-part feature makes some well-reasoned predictions about the future of learning.  Let’s assume first that we’re talking about technology and second, about learning in the workplace, in which case it’s not really about ‘what will learning look like in […]

How to combat the ‘urgency addiction’ and make employees more productive


Making – and keeping – employees productive. It's the key for much of training and HR and Yuri Martsinovsky has some good advice for you. “When it comes to online productivity, we have so much access to so many platforms, that we’re easily pulled away with just the slightest notification,” explains Mike Vardy, founder of Productivityist, […]

Storytelling: Beyond the buzzword


Fiona Quigley explains why telling stories is such an effective part of corporate learning strategy. So we’ve all been telling stories for ages and ages – it’s part of the human condition, right? It is, and storytelling as a ‘thing’ has become popularised in all areas of society and in business. In the last few years, […]

Insight: Nearly 70% of workers don’t go on team building away days


New research reveals that 67% of workers have not been on a team building away day in the past five years – despite one in five agreeing that they are key to improving working relationships. Results of the independent survey, which questioned 1,263 UK workers and was commissioned by indoor go-karting company TeamSport, also suggests […]

L&D industry insight: Ed Monk


Ed Monk chats to us about the upcoming LPI event, Learning Live, and more besides. L&D industry insight: Ed Monk on Learning Live 2015 by Trainingzone on Mixcloud Ed Monk chats to us about the upcoming LPI event, Learning Live, and more besides.L&D industry insight: Ed Monk on Learning Live 2015 by Trainingzone on Mixcloud

Why government ministers need support


Winning an election is hard enough, but becoming a minister and getting to grips with governing is a whole other challenge.Yet there is remarkably little support and advice in place to help people manage this transition. Nehal Davison explains why this needs to urgently change.  The sheer weight of responsibility, 24-hour media scrutiny and competing […]

Is virtual training the answer?


Well, is it? David Freedman isn’t sure it’s the panacea L&D make it out to be.  Ever since I started talking to L&D, HR and sales directors about the virtual classroom or campus – around eight years ago – I’ve had to clarify what I meant. Surprisingly, that need to distinguish virtual training from the […]

11 top tips for good coaching


The sports world would never be without their top coaches, and neither should we. Here Gary Cattermole advises businesses of his top tips to coaching. Preparation is key The coach needs to understand what the business wants to gain from the sessions, as well as what the member of staff wants to gain. It may […]

Keeping Everyone Engaged


I've been tasked with designing a course for our new starters. The course covers things such as: – Setting Passwords & working with applications, customising Desktops – Navigating and finding what you need from the Intranet (not an easy task with our work intranet) – Working Efficiently tips and keyboard shortcuts etc – Working with laptops […]

L&D needs to learn from marketing if they want employees to show up to their courses


Following a recent webinar, Alexis Kingsbury continues his advice series about how to make sure your training sessions stay well attended. In some ways, marketing and L&D are very similar. Although many L&D professionals wouldn’t like to think of themselves as ‘marketing’ their development resources, often that’s exactly what they are doing. Like marketing, L&D have […]

How technology can boost classroom collaboration


Classroom or online? Maybe you want your training to be both. Here’s Jan Willem-Brands. The classroom is no longer an environment with a one-way flow of information; instead collaboration has become the norm and today’s classrooms are embracing technology like never before. The education sector has evolved with the influence of technology, which has brought convenience […]

What does it mean to have business skills in the 21st Century?


What does it take to embody the future of modern business? William Buist gives the community a few ideas. Changes in business Over time the structure of business has changed considerably. In the past, the lines seemed clear. There were those in the company with strategic roles who set policy, and there were those who […]

How to train staff for social media marketing


You might not need a social media department, if you train staff with a few of the basics. Jon Mowat explains. Companies across the globe are realising the impact their employees have on the company’s social media. Social media training has already become mandatory across a broad range of organisations. Companies like Pepsi, Adidas, Sprint, […]

Mentoring programs: Five tips for better employee engagement


Steve O’Brian outlines five different employee development programs that benefit from using mentoring as a learning method. Many companies offer mentoring programs. However few organisations realise how effective mentoring can be for a variety of career development programs beyond the traditional senior/junior employee pairing. Mentoring is one of the most effective methods of learning, proving true […]

Informal learning: Decoding the myths and mysteries


Those good people at GoodPractice have sent us a good infographic about informal learning. Are you doing it? You might not even know you are… For further information on the bespoke products GoodPractice offer to Learning and Development professionals, visit   Those good people at GoodPractice have sent us a good infographic about informal learning. […]