Organising An Event Can Be Good For Your Career


Most companies organise regular events. Larger events are often organised by professional internal teams or committees, but there are various smaller events in the calendar that need an organiser. You may be extremely busy already, so why would you want to step forward and add one of these events to your workload? The answer is […]

Training Schedules


Hi Training Community, I'm having a nightmare with a two week training schedule. As you can imagine, if the slightest thing changes in the agenda this has a knock on affect on the entire agenda. Is anyone aware of an automated way of producing long training schedules. I'm thinking there's a system out there whereby you […]

Business networking events


I was thinking about doing some networking and have looked at various events.  A lot of them seem to be the franchise kinds, like Business Over Breakfast or Women In Business Network for example.  I wonder how much use these things really are.  I'm not looking for support from other trainers, I'm interested specifically in meeting […]

Learning Technologies, morality and self-directed learning


Take five minutes to savour your coffee and catch up on our pick of L&D news and opinion from across the interwebs. Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too. Learning Technologies 2017 – Learning Technologies 2017 preview (Learning Light) – 14 key […]

Looking for – Leadership Development South Africa


Am looking for a Leadership Trainer based in Jo-Burg South Africa. To deliver a 1 day team build – aim is to get the small management team to work together (different personalities) Am fully aware that it'll take more than a 'workshop' to get them working well together, but looking for an external resourse to […]

Unconscious Bias Training


Has anyone designed or delivered training around Unconscious Bias before? I'm looking at designing a session to heightened people's awareness of this. I'm aware of the Implicit Association Tests but if you have any experience of delivering this kind of training, then I'd love to hear from you. Has anyone designed or delivered training around […]

When are taster sessions most effective?


Which kinds of training do taster sessions work best for? My thoughts are: High-cost courses (£500+)  Courses that run over a long period of time (4 weeks or more)  The course covers very in-depth content which the delegate needs to learn more about This blog offers some top tips on holding effective taster sessions: Which kinds of […]

Do You Have a Virtual Support Team?


TEAM – Together, Everyone Achieves More. I love this acronym as it very simply describes, in a nutshell, the value of a team. The trouble is, that trainers often don’t have the luxury of working as part of a team in the traditional sense – we might, for example, be the only trainer in an […]

How to run successful events


There's no two ways about it: putting on events can be inherently stressful. Catering. Content. Coffee breaks. Is everyone having a good time? Are the speakers happy? Argh! In this short video, ex-TrainingZone editor Jon Kennard gives you some tips to help your event run more smoothly and provide more value to your audience. So grab […]

Got something you want to say about L&D? We’re all ears…


We're always looking to get more voices on to TrainingZone, and we don't just want academics & thought leaders – we want you and the rest of our professional community to tell us what matters in your day-to-day, the challenges you're coming up against, what you love about your job, and anything else that you feel strongly […]

How do you combat “The Night Before” syndrome?!


You've been asked to design and deliver a course you've not presented before. You're up for the task, the subject matter floats your boat, it's well within your knowledge, skills and experience. You LOVE designing courses! Remember – you've not delivered the programme before! Never! Not once! Eeek! It's bedtime, a few hours before you're due […]

An introvert’s attempt at networking showman


If HR professionals are still grappling with defining and delivering employee engagement in their own companies, do they have the emotional intelligence to make networking a valuable exercise when let out to play? I attended the 2016 CIPD Employee Engagement Conference to find out if I can switch from introvert to showman to stand out […]

Tempting the self-employed out of hiding!


I've been a self-employed trainer for the past seven years. Along with two colleagues, we often "indulge ourselves" in the odd CPD activity or two.  I guess that's because we eat, sleep and breathe Continuing Professional Development? The same can't be said for many business owners. In the early days, I remember how easy it was […]

L&D is dead – long live L&D!


Susie Finch reflects on some sobering messages from the recent Learning Technologies conference. I always come away from Learning Technologies buzzing with inspiration. This year was no different, but I also came away a little unsettled and nervous for the industry that I love. Marshall Goldsmith’s excellent keynote spoke to me both personally and professionally […]

“Thank you for flying Adrian Airlines!”


An ex-colleague of mine used to say that us trainers are a bit like actors. Regardless of how we’re feeling on the day, we stand at the front and perform! I regularly liken myself to an air steward when I’m delivering a training session. For up to seven hours on this long-haul “flight” I ensure I’m: […]

A farewell from the editor


It is with sadness that I announce I’m leaving TrainingZone after five and a half years as editor. I first started at Sift Media seven and a bit years ago in a different part of the business on a maternity cover contract, but after that finished and I spent some time working elsewhere gradually realising […]

OEB 2015 special: Keynote Cory Doctorow


At the recent OEB event, we got a few minutes with keynote speaker Cory Doctorow, the science fiction writer and activist. He covers intellectual property, cyber security, the failures of the school system and a great deal more.   OEB 2015 special: Keynote Cory Doctorow by Trainingzone on Mixcloud   At the recent OEB event, […]

OEB 2015: All the tweets


So as the event wraps up for another year, we gather together all the tweets, images, insight, and videos from last week. As always, a big thanks to Rebecca Stromeyer, Juliane Walter, Laura Overton and all at ICWE and the steering committee.   [<a href=”//″ target=”_blank”>View the story “OEB 2015: The event, storified” on Storify</a>] So […]