Stop saying that! The dark side of leadership soundbites

black and gray microphone on black stand, leadership soundbites

The reality of leadership is complex, and quick-fix slogans rarely account for the nuance of leading effectively. Here, Dani Bacon and Garin Rouch of Distinction Business Consulting, reveal five common yet harmful leadership soundbites – and what to say instead.

Three learning and development trends for 2025

fantasy, future, space, learning and development trends for 2025

How will the world of learning evolve in 2025? Continuing the TrainingZone tradition, Robin Hoyle embarks on his yearly effort to predict the learning and development trends for the coming year.

A practical guide to learning cultures: The Capex formula

Looking for a practical guide to building a learning culture? You’ve come to the right place. Head of People and Culture, Dani Saadu, introduces the Capex formula and its application in fostering a culture of continuous development.

How to defuse tensions at work

kangaroos on grass field: tensions and conflict

Global conflict, political division, plus job and cost-of-living insecurity are being mirrored at work. Shifting the workplace mindset from adversarial to collaborative is crucial, says conflict resolution expert Jane Gunn.