How to build a 21st century learning organisation in five steps


There is something very satisfying about doing a good job in a domain that you are comfortable with, and where you are demonstrating your own expertise. And there are many highly skilled roles in the L&D function. I was talking to an LMS administrator at the Learning Technologies conference in mid-February. I could no more […]

L&D business partners: how to add more value as a profession


I began my career as a learning and development professional in 1989 and in the intervening years, the sector has seen many changes. Today’s business environment is very different from the one I started out in and, in order to fully serve the organisations we work for today, it’s time for L&D to undergo a […]

Why reshuffles can be good for teams


Boris Johnson’s cabinet reshuffle has grabbed recent headlines. Many political commentators saw it as an attempt by the PM to seize control rather than share power. How can leaders get this balance right, and how can you align your team after a big shake-up? The need for disruption Cabinet reshuffles are often a way for prime ministers […]

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