Training line managers to be wellbeing leaders

Strong leader looking after it's flock: wellbeing flamingo

When supported by fit-for-purpose health and wellbeing provisions, employees can thrive and be at their most productive. Christine Husbands explores how to achieve this through manager training.

Is leadership development broken?

metal bridge near boat during daytime. Leadership development is broken.

The leadership development industry is rife with generic courses that show little evidence of changing behaviours. So what’s the solution? Nigel Paine urges us to ditch the courses and experiment with collective decision making and extended conversation.

Communicating the value of L&D

selective focus photography of woman holding yellow petaled flowers: Communicating the value of L&D

What is the true value of L&D on performance and how do we measure this impact? Focusing L&D activities on measurable performance improvement is the key.

Why it’s time to ditch the annual appraisal

question mark neon signage; continous performance review

There are some issues when it comes to traditional performance review systems but that doesn’t mean we can stop reviewing performance. Matt Somers suggests a more continuous process revolving around five central questions.

How leaders can support mental health

stack rock on seashore: mental health strategies for support

Over a third (36%) of workers believing that their organisations have done nothing to help stave off employee burnout. On Mental Health Awareness Week, Thom Dennis, CEO of Serenity in Leadership, urges leader to assess how they support their employees’ mental health.

How to make a difference when nobody’s listening

toddler's standing in front of beige concrete stair representing small steps to change in EDI and people experiences

How can L&D professionals navigate the challenges of limited time, resources and a lack of receptive audience? Joanne Lockwood shares strategies for making a difference in the employee experience, even when no one is listening.

The building blocks of resilience

shillouette photo of person standing at the peak representing resilience

Are we overusing the word resilience, or do we even know what that means for us as individuals? For Mental Health Awareness Week, let’s look at how we can create resilience.

When we focus on the competition, who really wins?

grayscale photo of person holding glass demonstrating competition

At a time where becoming brilliant at learning is key to success, we need to stop focusing on competition. Only by prioritising customers over competitors can organisations truly set themselves apart.

Transforming L&D from ‘nice to have’ to ‘need to have’

person standing on brown concrete building during daytime symbolising the power of L&D and the need for a paradigm shift

In the ever-evolving landscape of organisational dynamics, learning and development (L&D) often finds itself relegated to the status of a ‘nice to have’ department rather than being recognised as the operational imperative it truly is. It’s time for a paradigm shift.