How to create a culture of continuous learning


So much of business discourse – be it in the media, the boardroom, or around the office watercooler – is dominated by discussion around how established companies will survive and thrive in light of sweeping technological and societal changes. Younger companies have less to worry about. Such changes are the foundation of their business models […]

Leadership: ditching the cult of the individual and embracing ‘communityship’


In part one of this feature, I explained why leadership development programmes as they stand today are unfit for purpose. Very little has changed in their design and content since the last financial crisis, and yet today’s world is markedly different, even to those times just a decade ago. Below, we’ll look at how and […]

Leadership development: leaving behind a corrosive culture


For most organisations, the development of the next generation of leaders is a priority.  The spend on leadership development certainly reflects this. In 2019, the leadership training market is worth US$366 billion globally, according to a Training Industry Inc. research report.  Leadership development is big business. Growth continues, but its impact is doubtful. Even immediately […]

L&D in 2019: how far have we come?


We’re already over half way through 2019, so it’s a good point at which to stop and take stock of how far L&D has come this year so far and discuss whether our L&D predictions are coming true. At the beginning of each year we are inundated with various predictions on the rising and falling trends […]

First Steps as a Training Manager


Hi all, I'm taking my first steps as a newly appointed Training Manager and would like to hear about your must-do (and must-not!) hints and tips, to help me shape my first few months in role.  I have been a Trainer for many years and have been involved in, and led, many training projects from inception through to […]

Coaching-led leadership: why it’s time to put more power in the hands of your people


Corporate governance and rigid hierarchies in businesses today could be preventing growth and success. Coaching-led leadership is an avenue through which leaders can empower their team to make the big decisions. Despite an increasing lack of trust in leadership today and a growing decline in workplace cultures, many businesses are still operating amid a great […]

How to develop a learning culture for young talent


How can we best develop young employees? This new research on the development of early talent from the Institute of Student Employers shares key insights. Young people can be one of the greatest resources for employers. When you bring young talent into your organisation you’re gaining access to new ideas, enthusiasm and the latest skills from the education […]

Why it’s time to put culture before learning


Successfully building a learning organisation is likely to be high on the wish list for many L&D professionals. Is the secret to focus on nurturing a company culture, and see learning naturally follow? The term ‘learning culture’ is well used within learning and development. As a reader of this article, you may even be one […]

Reflection after training session


Hi I am running a short Train-the-Trainer session for a particular course and have resposnsibility for the training skills section. I want to introduce the importance of using a short reflection period at the end of sessions. The reasons for doing this off the top of my head are: that as learners we we are […]

Better tailoring education and training for your employees


A ‘one size fits all’ approach to learning is no longer appropriate in today’s working environment. It’s time for organisations to offer truly tailored learning solutions to ensure that the learning needs of employees and the business are met. Transformational changes are happening in every industry and if someone received a degree five years ago, […]

The SADEL leader: fostering a ‘fail fast learn faster’ culture


What does a learning leader look like in a Self-Directed, Agile, Digital, Exponential, Learning (SADEL) organisation? In the final part on her content series, organisational behaviourist and learning strategist Kerryn Kohl explores… In part 4 of this series on building a SADEL organisation we focused on the three core pillars needed to build effective teams: enabling […]

Machine learning


How does a total beginner start to learn machine learning if they have some knowledge of programming languages? How does a total beginner start to learn machine learning if they have some knowledge of programming languages?

Learning techniques: why experiential learning is making a comeback


While digital learning saves on costs, organisations are rediscovering the benefits of experiential learning and embracing a blended approach. Economists will tell you that the ‘experience economy’ is thriving. Expenditure on live entertainment in the UK – such as the theatre, concerts, or events – has increased by a quarter since 2012. You may well […]

Learning Is the Best Weapon Against Office Boredom


Office boredom has existed for as long as human beings have worked in offices. Different people have different methods for dealing with this tedious affliction. Methods for defeating boredom include obsessively checking Instagram, texting friends, ruminating about after work errands or simply watching the minutes tick by while staring at a monitor, pretending to work. […]

Power to the people: creating a learning culture to reach every learner


The rise of the machines is upon us – technology is already changing the way we do business. Companies where employees aren’t adequately trained for this new working environment will soon find themselves left behind. We’re in a time of widespread disruption across the workforce. The development and rapid adoption of technologies such as automation, the […]

Should we be talking about a learning culture or a business improvement culture?


For L&D to truly have a transformative impact on learning culture, perhaps a shift in the language we use is needed. It’s Saturday afternoon and I’m having a relaxed cuppa with a friend who also works in learning and development. We’re chatting about an upcoming gathering of fellow L&D professionals – the second meeting of […]

Learning culture: the wake up call we all need


Developing what Towards Maturity refer to as the ‘high-performance learning culture’ is a long way off for most organisations. How can learning professionals take those first steps towards meaningful change while continuing with their day-to-day responsibilities? I tried to argue in my recent book ‘Workplace Learning: How to Build a Culture of Continuous Employee Development’ […]

Learning culture: why evidence-based L&D is more successful


Communicating the impact of L&D is about gathering the right evidence, using it to connect with the C-suite and creating actionable insights. Sadly, very few organisations are getting this right. Only one in five organisations manage to create a high-performing learning culture, according to Towards Maturity’s latest market insight, and of those that do, only two […]

Learning culture: six ways to tell if your employees are learning


Your efforts to create a culture of learning within your organisation are worth nothing if your employees don’t truly embrace learning as part of their everyday activity. Here’s how to tell if the message is really getting through.  In every facet of a business, there is a need for continual development and any employer needs […]

How to become a new learning leader through stakeholder support


What does it take to be an effective leader in an evolving learning organisation? And how can Heads of L&D truly flourish through stakeholder support? It has been over 30 years since I had a career change and entered the mesmerising world of L&D. Back then I was a VM Instructor for IBM, working in […]

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