Employee Mentorship Program For Remote Workforce
The coronavirus pandemic put remote working in the spotlight two years ago when everyone was confined to the walls of their homes. And yes, it has undoubtedly transformed lives for the better — from enabling a better work-life balance to having increased levels of productivity. No wonder 65% of employees want to work remotely full-time […]
The Transformation Formula: Why knowledge is not enough
Veronica Safoa Owusu shares her journey to transformation and formula for building learning programmes that create real transformation.
Interview: English Netball Captain Serena Guthrie MBE on the intersection between sport and business coaching
English Netball Captain Serena Guthrie MBE discusses her new position as a Special Advisor and Coach with business performance experts, Ayming.
Six tactics to cultivate future-minded leadership skills
How employers can create the most effective professional development programmes
Building a sustainable workforce with a hybrid L&D strategy
Don’t underestimate the importance of your hybrid L&D strategy. Leaders needs to keep focus on training if they want to retain their employees.
Hidden skills: Accelerating knowledge transfer and upskilling
Head cheerleader for Career Magic, Ekua Cant, delves into the key components of knowledge transfer and skill progression.
Why lifelong learning is the key to closing the skills gap
The UK risks being left behind its European neighbours in the race to upskill – now is the time to get serious about lifelong learning
Brush up on the new rules for knowledge sharing
It’s more crucial than ever before that organisations are able to capitalise on the knowledge they have in-house.
Three factors L&D must seed for success in virtual and hybrid learning
L&D need to co-create the conditions for great learning experiences and ensure there is room to grow.
Culture Pioneer Awards 2022 entries open: Who are you to your people?
Entries have now opened for the 2022 Culture Pioneer Awards.
The role of mentoring in boosting belonging
The UK has a belonging crisis but L&D can help with an effective mentoring strategy
Why self-paced learning is critical to your L&D strategy
As working patterns become more flexible, so too should our approach to L&D.
The elusive learning culture: Can we really define it?
We often find ourselves immersed in the learning culture conversation, but do we really know what it means and what we’re aspiring to achieve? It’s a pretty commonly used phrase, but when I ask people what they mean by ‘learning culture’, the closest I get to a definition is ‘a culture in which people learn?’ […]
Is it time for the death of learning culture?
Learning culture has been a ‘new concept’ for a while now. But is it time for the ‘learning culture’ we’re familiar with to move forward, asks Jo Wright.
L&D’s time to shine: How to influence the c-suite and deliver business value
To change the perception of L&D, we have to work from the inside out.
Essential L&D strategies to embed into your 2022 business plan
Embedding an effective L&D strategy into the purpose and values of an organisations can help build a sustainable competitive advantage
The L&D performance imperative
Charles Jennings looks back at some of the lessons that learning professionals can use to improve L&D practises in the future.
A More ‘Us’ Balanced Business Scorecard?
The Balanced Business Scorecard is a useful model that encourages organisations to measure effectiveness and success in a more rounded way, considering alongside financial goals, internal processes, customers, and learning and growth. Despite its obvious benefits however, the traditional Balanced Business Scorecard always felt a bit sterile and introspective to me. For example, when talking […]
Playing to win: Working on our L&D inner game
The global sporting world has long shown us that the difference between ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ is all in the mind.
Learning culture: Why risk taking and failure are essential to progress
An element of risk is essential to fostering a learning culture.