Employee Mentorship Program For Remote Workforce


The coronavirus pandemic put remote working in the spotlight two years ago when everyone was confined to the walls of their homes. And yes, it has undoubtedly transformed lives for the better — from enabling a better work-life balance to having increased levels of productivity. No wonder 65% of employees want to work remotely full-time […]

The elusive learning culture: Can we really define it?


We often find ourselves immersed in the learning culture conversation, but do we really know what it means and what we’re aspiring to achieve? It’s a pretty commonly used phrase, but when I ask people what they mean by ‘learning culture’, the closest I get to a definition is ‘a culture in which people learn?’ […]

The L&D performance imperative

The L&D performance imperative

Charles Jennings looks back at some of the lessons that learning professionals can use to improve L&D practises in the future.

A More ‘Us’ Balanced Business Scorecard?


The Balanced Business Scorecard is a useful model that encourages organisations to measure effectiveness and success in a more rounded way,  considering alongside financial goals, internal processes, customers, and learning and growth.  Despite its obvious benefits however, the traditional Balanced Business Scorecard always felt a bit sterile and introspective to me. For example, when talking […]

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