Bring on the intrapreneurs


The performance is about to start. It’s taken about 40 minutes to attract and engage a crowd that is willing to pay a couple of dollars each. Various members of the troupe have sung, danced, and performed acrobatics, teasing passers-by, gently cajoling young couples, and creating balloon animals for fascinated children. It’s hard work, but […]

Getting ready for your elearning project


Hurray! Your project has been approved. The content is ready to go, project team ready, supplier ready. You feel like you’ve been developing the project for weeks already! There can be a rush to get things done. You might be under pressure to ‘get me a screen’ or ‘get a script’. You've not started but […]

The Nine Box Grid: What’s the impact on employee engagement?


Whilst the Nine Box Grid has become a popular way of trying to identifying an organisation’s future talent, the impact of this on employee engagement is a relatively underexplored question.  When managers are asked to rate their staff on the Nine Box Grid, the majority tend to place their staff in the top right of […]

The Nine Box Grid: The problem with identifying ‘potential’


Use of the Nine Box Grid, or variations of it, is widespread in organisations and is commonly used to identify talent within the organisation, particularly those with high potential.  Despite its widespread use, views appear mixed on its utility; if anecdotal conversations with HR folk are anything to go by.  How open should you be with employees […]

Those Conversations We’d Much Rather Not Have


I once hired a colleague's husband to wallpaper and paint our hallway and staircase. The trouble is, he turned out to be an awful decorator. Really, really awful. Which was awkward. I knew I needed to have a conversation with him, which would result in either an improvement, or, more likely, him leaving and never […]

The mismeasurement of talent must stop


The measurement of talent is a rapidly expanding field, often devoted to measuring aspects of an individual’s personality, identifying their strengths, their preferences, or their type. All of these approaches characterise different dimensions of the human condition, however the measurement often fails because it doesn’t help individuals to develop their capabilities; it just pigeon holes […]

There’s a link between assessments and performance


In a report on the use of assessments, the Aberdeen Consulting group in the US have found that there are correlations between organisations that perform well (in terms of performance and retention of staff) and who use assessments, and this includes 360 feedback, in a consistent way. One of the key drivers for using assessment […]

Have You Asked Yourself These 5 Questions About YOUR Development?


We get so swamped in the day-to-day that our own personal development is often the first thing to fall by the wayside. It’s time to ask yourself some tough questions! We all have hopes, dreams and ideas for the future; what we would like to be doing, things we would like to have or places […]

5 tips for finding the right e-training partner


When you have made the step towards partial or complete online training for your organisation, you don't want to end up with the wrong partner. A training programme is an intensive cooperation and a lack of research significantly decreases the success rate. Thoroughly investigate if a potential partner meets your standards, features and support requirements. […]

The L&D Coffee Briefing: Morality, networking and employer betrayal


It's that time again where we round up the L&D articles and blogs we've enjoyed the most over the past week. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, or feel free to tell us what you've enjoyed reading, watching, or even listening to – we're keen to expand our podcast knowledge! Developing employees […]

Onboarding – Where do you start?


There's the obvious stuff such as the company introduction, policies, and ice breakers with other new starters – but I think onboarding is one of the most significant things that HR and L&D can get involved in, yet it doesn't seem to get much of a mention in articles & blogs, and I often think it's […]

Why talent development has to be embedded into strategic objectives


Talent is an important differentiator for any company, but particularly for any organisation that values its reputation for customer service excellence. If achieving happy, satisfied customers is a goal, talent development has to be embedded into a company’s strategic objectives. It has to underline everything you do because training is about creating a mind set […]

Are You Sick And Tired Of Accidental Managers?


British workers rate the standard of their managers as “significantly below” leading countries…so why does the cult of the gifted amateur prevail? We’ve made no secret of the dangers of bad management, or the risks of being promoted into a managerial role…and it seems a lot of us are becoming sick and tired of working […]

Leadersip Techniques to Keep Volunteers On Task


Volunteers are often the real backbone of many organizations and, without a variety of individuals who dedicate their time without pay, an organization is often at risk for closure. The only issue is that many organizations often find many of the volunteers come for socialization, as well. In other words, it can be difficult to […]

In need of software tool for in-field trainers


I'm fairly new on this what seems to be very interesting platform. I'm Training Mgr. in a CE company and head of all our trainers across the globe. We train our retailers online (through an LMS) and face-to-face by going on-site. I have great insight in what's happining on the LMS (as that's one of the […]

Finance for non-financial Managers (Housing Association)


I am looking for a provider to deliver a short (probably half day) series of sessions to our line managers to help them understand more about the key principles of value for money, finance for non finance managers, etc.  The outcome I'm looking for is that the managers leave the session more financial aware, cost […]

Motivation vs Engagement


Hi All I've recently been writing a report on learning in my organisation and found myself discussing motivation and engagement as if they were one in the same. On reflection I wonder if this is the case or if there are distinct differences between the two? Also, who's responsibility is it to either motivate or […]

Encouraging teams within a workplace – it’s more important than you think


Without teams, the workplace would be nothing.  Imagine if each employee in an office had no form of communication with the other employees- it would be absolute chaos, and no work would get done. Maybe your workplace isn’t as bad as this, but you may feel that there isn’t enough camaraderie between your employees. It […]