In-house team manager coaching


Hi there! I please need some advice on in-house coaching, as this is something we are looking to roll out (GROW model). What in-session coaching activities can I use with a customer services team manager to improve manager performance, and ultimately their teams performance? Also what out of session activities would you suggest? If there […]

What is the identity of learning in your organisation?


Within an organisation, the identity of a department is connected to its sphere of influence and the impact the department has on others. The department’s identity encompasses how they are perceived internally at all levels. Why is this important for learning functions? The nature of the learning department means they need to collaborate with and […]

Diversity and Equality Training


Hi – I have started to design training programs around the Equality, diversity and inclusion topic area and my question for you all is to ask if you feel that this is a topic area that has potential or not or is too niche. Furthermore, what specific topis within this do you feel are potentially […]

Strategy Creates Conflict


You probably think that you have a strategy for your business. That is extremely unlikely. It’s unlikely because a strategy is a plan for what you’ll do in the future to achieve some objective or reach some goal. The problem is that your plans are in the future, and the future is uncertain, and you […]

4 ways to attract millennials to your organisation


With millennials set to make up 75% of the workforce by 2025, organisations around the world are scrambling to understand the needs and motivations of an age group which has wildly different viewpoints and work ambitions as previous generations. Often labelled as great disruptors (as well as being disrupted themselves), millennials have entered work wanting […]

Common sense in Business Management


After more years than I care to remember, firstly in management myself with rising degrees of seniority, through to today running my own training and development organisation, it never ceases to amaze me that what I consider simple common sense just does not occur to many people. Is it just me? Have I clouded my […]

Leadership: the problem with managers and how to upskill them


Poor old managers. They really get it in the neck, don’t they? They’ve got top-down pressure to deliver more with less, little time to translate or enthuse their own teams with the need for more, better or faster work, and still less time or encouragement for personal or professional development. In learning and development we […]

Three workplace trends employers need to action


The workplace has changed a lot over the last decade. Low unemployment rates and millennials entering the workforce has seen large culture shifts within offices and organisations in a short space of time.  Trends around the way workers want to work have also changed. Flexibility and work-life-balance are huge buzzwords and key selling criteria when […]

Why managers need to learn to be impartial


One of the biggest pitfalls for leaders and managers in business is a rock-solid belief in their own impartiality. Long experience and intimate knowledge of situations and people mean they must know best. It’s a problem when it comes to relationships and diversity – in how different types of people are perceived and treated; when […]

Conflict management: how to be generative rather than destructive


There’s only one organisation that I have worked with, where people had physical altercations in the office. That doesn’t mean that the other organisations don’t have conflict – it just means that they enact that conflict differently, often in ways that are equally destructive. What I more often see is weaponised gossip, arguments about technical […]

Are we feeding fear?


Several times a week, I take the winding road up onto Dartmoor. Essentially the main link between Tavistock on the other side of the moor and Ashburton on this, it’s a perfectly useful road for much of the route, with lines down the middle and everything. It’s a somewhat different story on our side of […]

First Steps as a Training Manager


Hi all, I'm taking my first steps as a newly appointed Training Manager and would like to hear about your must-do (and must-not!) hints and tips, to help me shape my first few months in role.  I have been a Trainer for many years and have been involved in, and led, many training projects from inception through to […]

Video: How to encourage diverse leadership 


Leaders are influenced by the examples around them, says Gwen Rhys, CEO of Women in the City, so diverse role models are vital. “It’s often said that women are more empathetic, that they have more emotional intelligence, that they understand (perhaps) the domestic demands of people in their team. I’m not sure that as a […]

Video: How to deal with bullies in the workplace


In this video, Zenna Atkins, former Chair of OFSTED, shares her experience of being bullied and offers advice to anyone being intimidated in the workplace. “Back in about 1990 I set up an organisation with a board. It was a very small organisation working with young homeless people. And the chairman of the board was bullying me. He would […]

Peak productivity: powered by culture & technology


Today’s leaders have a responsibility to invest in technologies that drive engagement and implement inclusive policies. This will help ensure company culture is aligned with the collaboration solutions they employ. Enterprise leaders also need to understand the unique differences across their workforce in order to empower every worker to do their most effective and productive […]

Problem solving techniques: creative options for trainers and facilitators


As trainers, our job isn’t to solve an organisation’s problems, but rather to give teams the tools to solve any issues themselves. Therefore this article will provide some techniques to help get people thinking differently and collaborating better.  As leadership and management become more focused on collaboration rather than command and control, it’s essential that trainers […]

What’s aspiration and what’s bullying?


There’s a thin line between a high-performance workplace with high expectations and an organisation poisoned by bullying. It’s a line that’s getting thinner with the intensification of 21st century working (via IT, always on working and use of performance targets).  As Amnesty International has found in recent months, getting the balance wrong has serious consequences. […]

Video: putting John Adair’s leadership theory into action


John O’Brien says using an Action Centred Leadership approach to focus on the team, the task and the individual is as relevant today as it’s always been.  In this video John O’Brien explains how using John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership model helped him turn a failing business around: “About 30 years ago, when I was […]

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