Six BYOD issues not related to security

Nick Williams doesn’t want to bore you with yet another list of the security issues surrounding BYOD. So here’s some advice on some of the issues you may not have thought about yet. According to market research by Gartner Inc, by 2016 it is predicted that almost four in 10 organisations will rely on ‘Bring Your […]
News: Google works with Mediacom to launch global training scheme

Google and global media agency MediaCom are joining forces to create a bespoke training programme for the agency’s staff. The 'Mobile Ignition' programme has been developed to train MediaCom’s global employees on the importance of future mobile opportunities, The Drum reported. Topics covered will include mobile advertising, how mobile fits into a communications plan, best […]
L&D industry insight: Rob Caul

Recently we met up with Kallidus CEO Rob Caul to talk about mobile learning. Is it right for your business? How do you embed a strategy in your business? How do you adapt existing content? All these things were addressed and more. L&D industry insight: Rob Caul on mobile learning by Trainingzone on Mixcloud […]
Remote working is no longer a remote concept

Mobile working and BYOD offer huge advantages to both employer and employee, but organisations must ensure security is maintained, says David Rosewell. Mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, have revolutionised the way we work and how we use technology in the workplace. Increasingly more employees are using these devices in the office, or are […]
Mobilising the global workforce for 2014

Armin Hopp examines the issues around making a workforce truly mobile and sets out the training agenda for 2014. 2013 has been a game-changing year for HR and learning and development departments. Long-promised global collaboration and elearning platforms, combined with fast, reliable Internet connections and smart mobile devices have finally enabled the creation of a […]
Mind your mobile manners

Workplace wellness expert Liggy Webb doesn’t get annoyed too easily, but when it come to mobile phones, well… I feel the time has come that I really need to say something about mobile phones. They are one of the wonders of modern living and for many people it would be difficult to imagine a life […]
Top ten smart apps for learning and development professionals

James McLuckie of Eden Tree provides a list of must-have smartphone apps for learning and development professionals. M-learning is one of the most keenly discussed topics in learning and development at the moment. (See last week’s TrainingZone article by Martin Addison for this publication’s most recent contribution to the debate.) However, while most of […]
Mobilising your training programme

Matt Pierce discusses how trainers can adapt existing training content for use in a mobile learning programme. As mobile devices have evolved from netbooks to smartphones and tablet devices, lead by Apple’s iPad, PC sales across the world have already been impacted. Mobile phone and smartphones are owned by a significant majority of consumers […]
Who’s doing what with mobile learning right now? Part 4

In the final part of his series on mobile learning, Andrew Jackson look at how mobile can be harnessed for communication as well as learning. In most organisations, there’s a daily flow of information that needs to be communicated. And as a rule of thumb, the larger the organisation, the greater that flow. In some […]
Who’s doing what with mobile learning right now? Part 3

In the third part of his series on mobile learning, Andrew Jackson looks at using mobile to improve performance support. If you work in learning and development, you’ve probably been faced with the following dilemma more than once in your career. Your organisation needs people to have specific skills and knowledge – right now. But […]
Who’s doing what with mobile learning right now? Part 2

In part two of his series on mobile learning, Andrew Jackson looks at how mobile technologies can be used to extend learning. More than ever, organisations are looking for ways to make their learning more effective. They want to develop learning programmes that bring about significant performance improvements and a lasting boost or change to […]
Who’s doing what with mobile learning right now?

Have you already joined the mobile learning party or are you still considering it? Andrew Jackson kicks off a four-part series on mobile and looks at how how organisations are currently using mobile learning. Picture the scene. The dance floor is largely empty. A handful of people are dancing around in the middle, clearly […]
Lifting the lid on the Video Arts mobile learning app

Video Arts’ mobile app provides on-demand, bite-sized video content for mobile handsets. TrainingZone had a look around the app and talked to VA about developments. The Video Arts mobile learning app is easy to use – in my case, a download from the Apple app store and then a browse of the catalogue to select […]
Seven trends make mobile learning inevitable

Mobile learning is an unstoppable force that stems from the coming together of seven trends, says Martin Addison. Here he guides us through each trend. With such a wide range of options for delivering learning already available, do we really need another? The simple answer is yes, if we want our learning to have more […]