Engaging your virtual learners

We now live in a continuous learning culture. Most of us recognize that we can access a wide range of learning material and we are making use of it. Whether it’s checking out how to fold a duvet cover on YouTube or virtually joining an international economics course at MIT, the plethora of eLearning, formal […]
How can we train our staff when the skills they need are changing all the time?

How can HR departments tackle evolving skillsets through new ways of training? asks Darren Shimkus, vice president and general manager of Udemy for Business. The UK is currently experiencing a gap in digital skills, which has become a real concern for the wellbeing of our economy. Companies are increasingly finding it more difficult to recruit […]
Moving corporate training to the cloud – why & how

Businesses, on an average, spend over 18% of their total training budget on learning technologies, according to a Brandon Hall Group report. This can be attributed to the growing number of digitally native millennials at the workplace, the power and ubiquity of the mobile devices and the need to carry out expansive training operations for […]
Social Learning Infographic: What does effective learning look like for the 21st century workplace?

In an era of change – in how we live, learn and work – organisations have to adapt and evolve the way they help their staff develop. But what does effective learning and development look like today? Well, we believe that it’s social. Social learning might not be a new concept but the use of technology […]
MOOCs: The learning solution just a few clicks away

MOOC and online learning expert Sam Burrough tells us about the latest in the evolution of the massive open online course. Much has been written over the past two years about the impact MOOCs are going to have on higher education and, to a lesser extent, workplace learning. However, they are still in their infancy and […]
Should you use MOOCs in learning?

There is much to consider before incorporating MOOCs into your learning solutions, says Valerie Nichols. There is a great deal of interest in the learning community in MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses – with various factions alternatively hailing MOOCs as the future of learning or decrying MOOCs as just the latest fad. So, what’s […]
The challenge of developing effective MOOCs

Ashridge's Tony Sheehan turns his attention to MOOCs and gives us some vital pointers for success. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) offer both potential and pitfalls to those institutions seeking to deliver them. They have reached a point where considerable volumes of students across the world are now actively learning from many significant institutions. At […]
News: Government-supported MOOC launched to boost cyber security skills

The first ever government-backed MOOC has been launched this week, to help equip the UK with the skills needed to tackle cyber security challenges. Developed in conjunction with the Department for Business and the Open University, the ‘Massive Open Online Course’ is available to anyone who wants to improve or develop their cyber security skills. […]
Why you should embrace MOOCs with gusto

Michael Curry considers the way in which MOOCs can revolutionise workplace learning. Defining a MOOC The first place to start is to be clear what we mean by MOOC. The term is used widely but it often means different things to different people. Massive Open Online Courses are web-based classes designed to support a large […]
Beyond the brick in the wall

Naveen Narayanan gives the community an insight into how online courses are changing corporate learning and development. The student population is in the middle of a massive mindset shift. Take your typical Gen Y student today. He/she is non-traditional and needs flexibility due to family and work demands. As one can imagine, they form a […]
MOOCs: Research shows employers love them

To add some weight to the MOOCs and CPD discussion, Donald Clark has turned to some research from Duke University. Read on… Despite the sneers from a minority of academics, people continue to make and take them. The MOOC phenomenon is clearly driven by demand, and we can now add ‘employer needs’ to that demand. […]
MOOCs: What’s in it for you?

Massive Open Online Courses. Have you taken any? TZ's editor Jon Kennard shares his experiences. I am just about to wrap up my third MOOC in six months. I’m not boasting, promise. It feels like we (ok, I) talk about MOOCs a lot on TrainingZone – in blogs, features and all over the rest of […]
Ten big reasons for the rise of corporate MOOCs

TZ member, former CEO of Epic, and learning technologies expert Donald Clark is passionate about many things, and the power of MOOCs is just one of them. Last week I delivered a presentation on MOOCs to corporate L&D people at Learning Technologies 2014 and was amazed to find that a majority of the packed room […]
Online Educa 2013: Preview

This week, TrainingZone decamps to Berlin for Online Educa, the largest global elearning conference on the L&D calendar. Now in its 19th year, Online Educa has embedded itself in the psyche of much of the global elearning industry as one of the most important and most innovative events around. For the most part an education […]
MOOCs and the future of your training strategy

David Marshall reviews the opportunities that exist now for organisations that get on board with MOOCs and looks at how they can be integrated – even at this early stage of their evolution – into internal training strategies. Massive Open Online Courses – or MOOCs as they’re more commonly known – are a hot topic […]